Chapter Twelve: Did You Get My Good Side?

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The breeze rushes through my hair, lifting the sea of curls off my shoulders as drops of water fade into my skin. My bare hands face down into the sand, each grain pressing closely against the folds in each palm. The scent of sandalwood brushes past my nostrils with an echo of cinnamon, forming a heavenly aroma. Each intricate, warm amber note expels a hint of nutmeg, further thrashing inside my heart, one inhale at a time.

I force myself to ignore the sigh that escaped his lips a second after he processed my question. Or when he starts to shiver, sinking his fingers further into the ground until he repeatedly crushes the sand. I watch his chest rise and fall as he glares at the sunset.

"My father's not coming," Brandon whispers.

"I'm starting to think I'm never going to see him," I say, debating whether to continue.

"I never met a friend from Tracy's childhood, so I thought it would be nice to hear what he was like growing up."

The truth is I wanted to talk to someone who knew my mother back when she was a hell-raiser. I thought the homecoming queen knew how to dodge a few punches from the Jockstraps and the Next Top Nutjobs. I would give anything to learn something about her or to talk to someone who's not afraid to speak her name. Is it wrong I want to speak to a person who's not too frightened to remember she existed?

"The way you talk about him," Brandon confesses. "He's not your friend, Ebony. He's your dad."

"Well, Brandon," I laugh harshly. "Everything isn't as obvious as the waves rolling towards the shore. Some things you have to figure out yourself."

He thinks momentarily, watching me as he tugs at the towel wrapped tightly around my waist. "Is that an invitation? Because I'm sure I can figure out what's underneath this towel."

"No, perv," I blurt out, swatting his hand away. "I will gladly lay down my life before I ever let anyone see what's underneath this towel. Gl-ad-ly."

"There are practically enough boobs on this beach to shoot girls gone wild, and now you're shy. I hope your nipples are made of solid gold."

I try to play nice and hide a smirk instead of rubbing my hands in the sand and slapping the smug grin off his cute face. But it's hard to stay mad at someone with the most beautiful eyes that reflect all the calm waves in the ocean. As I look at Brandon, my heart pounds inside my chest, and the sound of his laughter buzzes inside my eardrums.

"While my boobs aren't worth a shit ton of money, that doesn't mean my self-esteem is low enough to strut around a million-dollar beach house in a loin cloth." I chirp, smiling as I roll my eyes at him.

I know the sound of his laugh will forever haunt me, but I can't afford to lose him. So I'll pretend his smile doesn't affect me. I won't catch my breath when he raises my chin to meet his intrusive gaze. And I refuse to press my lips against his until he pulls away with my heart on his sleeve. I will avoid him even if it kills me.

I won't fall for you, Brandon Lockwood.

"That kiss," Brandon falters. "I was blown away."

I turn my head to him. "I almost ruined everything you were better off leaving me to the darkness."

"That's not it," Brandon whispers. "I couldn't see myself with someone thats so different."

"You mean you can't see yourself with a retard." I cross my arms, searching his soul for an ounce of doubt.

Is it crazy I never expected to hear those words from Wonder Boy? I felt it, but somehow, when I'm with Brandon, he makes it easier to forget. My gaze burns into his cerulean blue eyes, and the only emotion lurking behind them is guilt.

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