04 Neighbour

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"You're dead!"

He frowns at my threat and his glasses slide down his nose due to his sweaty face. Did he run a marathon or something? Why is he sweating so much? 'Focus Amanda! That's not the question you should be after.'

I let go of his arm and adjust my backpack. He does the same with his bag since it's now falling down his shoulder. He keeps looking at me with wide eyes so I'm assuming he remembers me from a week ago. How can he forget? I made out with him in front of a whole crowd.

My eyes trail down to his uniform to make sure I'm not mistaken. He is wearing Bailey's uniform. Did he transfer because I swear a week ago he was wearing Darwin and Anais' maroon school uniform? I take a closer look at the logo plastered on his suit jacket. That golden lion. It's the same one on my blazer. So he is a student here. How did he get in so late in the year? You have to apply years beforehand. Maybe he has connections.

"Do you go here?" I ask.

He blinks a few times but doesn't answer me.

"I asked you a question," I say, urging him to reply. He just stares back at me with a curious gaze. Is he entertained by this? By my misery? I'm sure he saw me running after Darwin the other day so he must know that I'm devasted now. "Are you deaf? Answer me!"

Nothing. What a jerk! He sizes me up before letting out a chuckle and turning around to enter the school. Oh no, he's not. I yank him back again and this time he glares at me.

"Do you know what I'm going through because of you?" He's about to say something but I don't let him this time. "Thanks to you my boyfriend broke up with me. Thanks to you he spoke to me in a way he's never done before. Thanks to your ugly stupid face," I say and he frowns, "I'm stressed out of my mind and can't get into my green land!"

My chest heaves as I let my anger out. He looks at me with lazy eyes before pushing his glasses further up his nose bridge. Due to the sun's movement, the tree leaves cast shadows on his face, making his green eyes look darker. Come to think of it, I did want to go find him. This must be God helping me speed up the process.

"Here's what's gonna happen," I say, folding my arms around my chest. "You'll come with me and help me explain to my boyfriend how it was a misunderstanding."

He arches his brow, assumably wondering why he has to do that. Then his face turns smug and he glowers at me, burying his hands inside his trouser pockets. Something about his demeanor gets on my nerves. I'm about to blow off some more steam when he raises his palm and stops me mid-breath.

"Shut up."


"Shut. Up. Do you know what that means? It means to seal those assaulting lips of yours that not only harass people sexually but seem to also have a knack for insulting them."

My jaw drops at his words and he smirks as he steps closer.

"Listen here, Mandy," he says my name scornfully, leaning down so his face is levelled with mine. "I don't care about you and your dumb relationship. I don't care what your little boyfriend said or did to you and I don't care how it affected your fragile little feelings. Why are you even worried about that? You should be worried about your actions instead and how they might have affected me. You kissed me without my permission. Sorry, did I say kiss? You inhaled my entire face and you're yet to apologize for it. There were many witnesses present and the street cameras caught it as well."

"I didn't do it deliberat—"

"It doesn't matter!" He cuts me off. "You did it and that's that. All I have to do now is report you and watch as the police drag you away. You should be grateful I'm letting a little pervert like you run around town living blissfully."

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