07 Secret Supporter

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"Put your number in."

His eyes stay glued to mine as he waits for me to take possession of the phone he's extending to me. He sees my resistance and I notice how he's about to throw more threats. Something in his eyes tells me he's dead serious and that he'll post this clip in the blink of an eye if I give him a reason to. I take the phone and dial my number. He smiles, looking pleased with me and I get the urge to throw the phone back at his face.

"Well done," he says, patting my head as if I were his pet. "Now then, let's go."

"W-what? Why?" I ask baffled. Does he want me to go with him? Why? To torture me some more?

He turns around and walks back to where I'm standing. "Listen here," he says, "I have a few rules for you to follow. That is if you don't want me reporting you for sexual harassment. I'll also be posting this and ruining your well-kept reputation at school."

I gulp, waiting for him to continue. I do have a well-kept reputation at school. I have to since I'm on a scholarship. I don't have anyone to pay for me if I mess up or to convince the school to keep me if they decide to kick me out. Plus, my plan to impress Mr Bailey highly depends on my reputation.

"What are the rules?" I ask despite not wanting to. Maybe he wants me to do his homework or give him lunch money. After all, he lives here too so he must be broke.

"You don't get to ask why or why not." I blink a few times. I don't like where this is going. "I'll get to say and do whatever I want with you and you don't get a say. Is that clear?"

Is this guy being serious? I don't get a say in how he treats me. What am I, his pet? Even a pet is loved and cared for. He wants me as his slave. Over my dead body.

As if sensing my refusal he fishes out the phone again and shows me the clip. That clip will not only get me arrested and ruin my reputation at school but it'll also ruin my chances to get Darwin back.

"Is that clear?" He repeats himself, his smile widening as he senses me giving up.



I mope around the long hallways of the school, my mind occupied with this morning's incident. I can't believe I'm being blackmailed. Why does it have to happen now of all times? This year was supposed to be the year I stepped up and found my place in the expanding universe. The year I took a giant leap and changed my life forever. The year I made my mom happy and proud of me.

I made a toast on New Year's Eve and promised myself that this year would be different. Up until now, it has been. I've been working harder than ever. Planning for my project, pulling all-nighters studying and acing all my exams. My relationship was steady...or so I thought. Thanks to my foolishness, not only did I betray my boyfriend, but I also fell into the hands of a psychopath.

He made me take an Uber with him this morning. I normally walk to school or take the bus and believe me I'm the only one since everyone else drives to school or is dropped off. How can he afford to take Uber? Something is off about him but I can't even find out what since my schedule is full. All those assignments and presentations, my part-time job, my dying relationship that needs reviving and my project to get my green land. I'm flooded with things to do. I don't have time to worry about some dumb blackmailer. It's enough that he has me wrapped around his finger just like he said he would.

"Miss Holloway." I turn around at the familiar voice. "About the computer room you wanted to use," she says and my eyes land on the curly redhead next to her. God, please no. "Clara will be using it as well. I'm letting you know now so you don't throw a fit later." She smiles before taking off towards one of the elevators.

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