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Third person pov

It's Monday again and Amanda is back at school. She is on the third floor, sitting on the edge of the window sill, her mind empty despite all the drama going on in her life. Mondays are usually stressful as she has most of her classes then but thanks to Miss Johnson's new attitude towards her, she feels that she can handle it. Clara clarinet has not bothered her either which is making her Monday quite ideal compared to how it usually is.

She spent her weekend going back and forth between her apartment and her neighbour's as he would demand her presence whenever he deemed appropriate. Her mother was out working so there was no good enough excuse she could offer him to not go. He gave her some money so she could go buy groceries. And when she thought she was done for the day he made her make a meal out of those groceries and wash the dishes afterwards. Despite wanting to murder him, Amanda was glad he wasn't making her pay for it.

However, thanks to him, she didn't have the time to talk to Darwin. She barely managed to get some work done on her project but even with that, she couldn't focus properly. At this rate, it'll take her longer to finish her project. Worse of all, her menace of a neighbour now knows of her phobia. What if he keeps using it against her to get her to do what he wants? She can't wait to hear from Doris' brothers. Maybe they can make him delete the footage he has of her.

That's not the only thing stressing Amanda out though. She's been sent an email from her work, informing her that she'll be attending a disciplinary meeting with her manager. Turns out the big boss was present when she attacked Emily and by the sound of the email, is not happy about it. Looks like she might get fired after all.

She bites back a sob as she wipes her teary eyes with her blazer sleeve. She looks out the window. Outside, she spots a few boys walking towards the school. They must be coming for the student council meeting. Sometimes the meeting is held in the girls' department but mostly in the boys'.

One of the boys is Zack. A senior who has for a while been trying to get Amanda's attention. Amanda, however, made it clear to him that it'll never happen between them. He was too arrogant for her liking and besides, she was already in a happy relationship with Darwin. She sighs as she thinks back to their happy moments. Even their sad moments were nice since the make-up process was always worth the fight.

The vibration of her phone peels her gaze off the window.

Anais: Hey bitch. What are you doing after school?

Amanda: I'm going to church...

Anais: ...

Amanda: Shut up

Anais: I didn't even say anything😭

Amanda: Yeah well keep it that way🙄

Anais: It's been a while since you've last been to church. What changed? lol

Amanda: I live next door to a devil. I need supernatural powers to get rid of him

Anais sends her a voicemail and Amanda regrets listening to it once she hears the girl's obnoxious laughing. She mutes her phone and gets off the window sill.

She walks to her locker to take out everything she needs for the meeting when someone leans on the locker next to her. She doesn't bother looking at him and focuses on taking her stuff out.

"Hey," he says and just by the sound of his voice, Amanda wants to roll her eyes. "What do you think the meeting will be about today?" he asks, completely overlooking the fact that he was ignored the first time.

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