Ra'Quise 1

419 39 32

I didn't get any sleep last night and it was entirely Zyn's fault. At first, I ended up crashing next to him which was a horrible idea because either he was having an extremely vivid dream or he was simply excited by lying next to me. Whatever the case he made his presence felt and it was getting to the point that I was either going to wake him up with the sloppiest head he's ever received or I was going to show some fuck restraint and go into the guest room... Luckily, I held strong and ended up in the guest room, only for Zyn's drunk ass to stumble in there ten minutes later. After about twenty minutes of him grinding on me, and poking me suggestively, I got up and went into the living room and you'd never guess who stumbled in there after me... The craziest part was he was asleep the entire time, it was almost as if his body was on autopilot and he NEEDED to be next to me. Eventually, I ended up back in my bed with my shadow right behind me, I could've easily locked the door but it was somewhat amusing watching him... Finally, I relented and allowed him to wrap his arms around me and I stayed up fighting the urge to finish what we started when we were in Mississippi........

"That for me?" Zyn asked walking into the living room around noon, wouldn't you know it... this man was ass buck naked, dick harder than diamond as he stretch and release a loud yawn... All I could do was nod and try not to stare at his dick as he walked towards me. "I don't even remember how I got here.... or where my clothes are." Zyn said rubbing his eyes.

"Well you showed here drunk as fuck, then you threw up all over my bathroom and yourself... I gave you a shower and then.... then you went to sleep." I said electing not to tell him how he was stalking me last night or those three words he whispered in my ear.

"Yo my bad... I'll clean it up." Zyn said but I pushed him back into his chair.

"No worries, I already cleaned everything up... your clothes are on top of the dryer and you know I keep extra essentials in the bathroom... I told you last night but I'm not entirely sure you remembered. I do have one request though... can you at least put some drawls on, it's really distracting?" I asked still trying to avoid looking at his dick.

"What this?" Zyn asked standing up and making his dick jump up and down. "Come on Rah... it's not like you haven't seen it before... touched it.... tasted it.... felt it deep inside you." Zyn said stepping towards me and the only that prevented our lips from touching was the ten inches of meat that was pressing against my leg. "Nah, I'm just fuckin with you 'friend'... I'm about to hit the shower, you mind putting that in the microwave for me? Oh, and I'm leaving the door unlocked just in case you wanna join me." Zyn said walking out of the kitchen and I didn't realize I had been holding my breath until I almost blacked out and only remembered to breathe when someone started knocking on the door.

"Zyn here?" Kaden asked walking into my apartment without an invite, I noticed my personal bodyguard Stylez ready but I waved him off and walked inside. I pointed towards the back of my apartment and Kaden let out a sigh of relief. "I thought for a second something had happened to him...."

"He showed up drunk, am I right in assuming that you were the person responsible for his condition?" I asked and Kaden gave me a coy smile. "He was pretty fucked up... and horny." I said shaking my head. "Do you wanna explain what happened?" I asked putting Zyn's food in the microwave.

"I gave him an introduction to college, took him to a few parties, let him meet some of my LBs, and introduced him to some coo ass bottoms that don't run their mouth. One such bottom thought he could take both of us and well... I guess it was too much and Zyn got mad and left." Kaden said and I tried not to let my irritation show, though I really couldn't be mad because Zyn was single. "So you remember that friend I was telling you about?"

"The one who was on tour with Turquoise?" I asked and Kaden nodded. "Yeah, what about him?" I asked curiously.

"I seen him last night... he asked to meet with me today and then an hour later, he texted me saying that he didn't think it was a good idea and that I shouldn't reach out. That's how I ended up with one of my 'friends'... I was reacting." Kaden said.

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