Zyn 4

225 28 13

I had a choice to make, I could continue to ignore the piss that I'd be holding in for the past hour or run to the restroom and try to be back in time before the halftime show started. According to Nando, HBCUs had the best halftime shows and I didn't want to miss a second of it.... but I was struggling to the point that it was becoming painful, so I figured I could make it a three-minute trip. I got up and tried to play it cool, but the second I was out of my boy's view I picked up the pace and darted to the restroom. I had to admit, the game was good (even if Titan hadn't seen the field) but I was enjoying myself, it was much better than watching our sorry-ass football team (sorry Primo). Once I was finished I thought back to moments of the game, when I wasn't paying attention to what was happening on the field I was staring as Ra'Quise... I was making it really obvious but I couldn't help it, he just... and that kiss before the game.... I washed my hands and walked out, I should probably get back to my seat but I wanted to compose myself before sitting down, I stood off to the side just watching people, and pulled out my phone to check my messages; mom, dad, Uncle Seven, Kaden, Ronnie, Xion, and Uncle Dallas.... damn I wonder why I was so popular today. As I stood there this girl wearing grey and maroon walked by and smiled, I smiled back but had little interest in starting a conversation so I quickly started walking back to my seat only to be cut off by Rell.

"You leaving?" I asked noticing as he fired off a quick text and tucked his phone in his pocket.

"Yeah... I got some business to handle before I meet up with my parents and since my roommate is at the game the dorm is empty which means I can have a little fun." Rell said smirking. "So wassup with your boy?" Rell asked and I wasn't entirely sure what he was asking.

"Huh?" I asked quietly because there were a few people around and while they were doing their own thing, you never know who was listening.

"I'm talking about Marquise or Ra'Quise... whatever his name is, I'm getting a vibe from him and I want you to put me on." Rell said. Anger like I've never felt before flowed from the pits of my soul but I was trying to remain calm.

"Ra'Quise isn't... I mean.... Nah...." I said looking into his eyes and we stood there staring at each other for a second, then Rell started smiling, then laughing.

"Oh shyt, that's you?" He asked and I didn't answer but that seemed to be enough confirmation for Rell. "My bad... I should've known... damn.... damn we definitely gotta link up later so we can talk, but I'll fall back since that's you... Fuck I gotta go, I'll call you when my parents are on the way." Rell said dappin me up and running off.

I shook my head and went back to my seat and despite my anger, when Ra'Quise looked at me I couldn't help but smile, no words just a look and I was smiling from ear to ear like a damn goof. Halfway through the fourth quarter, when the game was pretty much over and the freshman were in the game, Ra'Quise nudged me and discreetly pointed towards the field.

"Looks like you got an admirer." Ra'Quise said and I looked to where he was pointing and saw the girl from earlier looking over here and smiling. "She's cute..." Ra'Quise said and I couldn't tell if he was testing me or not. "You should try to get her number after the game..." Ra'Quise said and I chuckled quietly.

"Why do I get the feeling that you are trying to set me up?" I asked and Ra'Quise shrugged. "If I see her maybe I will, but I want to make it perfectly clear that I'm not interested in her like that.... She is sexy though." I said glancing back in her direction. "We'll talk about this later..." I said checking my phone and seeing that I had a message from Kaden, I made it out to his Yukon, and without saying a word he pulled off.

"Have you talked to Melo?" Kaden asked and I had to think about it for a second, it had been days since I spoke to Karmelo and it felt weird... Don't get me wrong, we were still coo... but we were also growing distant from each other. "We haven't spoken since he caught me at that event... I mean we have but he's been avoiding the conversation." Kaden said.

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