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July 5, 2014

"I'm here to see Marko," I say into the speaker of the warehouse.

Static crackles as a voice says, "who's calling?"

"Tell him it's the Mapmaker," I tell them. I'd always hated that name, but hopefully it still carried some weight around here. The door buzzes open and I shove through it, almost running over a small boy who couldn't be more then ten. "Sorry," I apologize, trying to steady us. "I'm here to see Marko."

The boy doesn't answer, but he motions me to follow him down the hallway. He takes me deep into the building, past rooms of people who are sparring, watching movies or cooking. Either Marko was upping his game or he was running a hotel for criminals.

The boy finally stops in front of a door and pushes it open, ushering me inside. Marko stands in the middle of a large room, tables everywhere covered in maps and what looks like explosives. He looks us when we come in, shock and then a grin spreading across his face. "Maps!" He yells out. "Welcome back! Where have you been?"

I can't help but to smile back, "you know I hate that name."

He chuckles, "you're the one that used it to get in." He walks quickly towards me, his arms out. If he'd been anyone else I'd have blasted him across the room, but instead, I let him hug me. It was only a brief one, but I'd needed it. He lets me go but keeps his hands on my shoulders and whispers, "I feel like there's something between us."

His eyes flick let down to my stomach and then back to me, questioning. I just shake my head slightly, "later. Right now we need to talk business."

His demeanor changes almost instantly, "I was wondering if this was business or just a social call." He motions to a side door and leads me into a neat office. Taking a seat behind his desk he motions to the chair in front of it, "so what does the great Mapmaker need from me this time?"

"Asylum," I tell him.

He looks shocked, "you? Who could you possibly need asylum from bad enough that you'd come to me?"

I give him a small smile, "everyone."

"Explain," he demands. So I do. I tell him everybting he needs to know about being forced to join the Avengers and then turning on me because of the Daxomites and now both are hunting me. I don't tell him about Natasha or my child. Not yet. When I'm done he sits back in his chair, "Jesus Maps," he mutters. "You realize this is a big ask."

I nod, "I do."

"And it'll come with a price," he says seriously. "You know my asylum doesn't come for free, not even for old friends."

"I know," I tell him just as seriously. "I'm prepared to offer one favor."

He grins slightly, "just one?"

"It's worth more than the asylum costs and you know it," I remind him. Back when I was still in the game, people came from all over to seek out a favor from me. I was the best mapmaker around after all, and a good map of the most intricate vault lock was worth millions. "Plus, I'm calling in my favor."

His face pales slightly, "I'd hoped you'd forgotten about that."

I grin, "forget that I saved your life? Never."

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