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Part Three

September 22, 2014

"This is escaped Colorian refugee Marzda Cadanar. I am leaving Earth. Come and get me."

Her voice came through the Daxomite transmitter that we had salvaged from a wrecked ship. "When was this?" I asked, keeping my face blank.

"Three days ago," Tony answered.

"Three days?" I hiss. "Why did you wait so long to tell me?"

He shrugs, "given your history with her we weren't sure how you'd take it."

"At least now I know where she is," I tell them, trying to say it like a joke but failing. Not that knowing where she is does me a lot of good when she wasn't even on the planet.

Steve looks at me kindly, "she got all the invading Daxomites to follow her."

I nod, "let me know if that changes." Striding out of the briefing room I head for my floor, and once there I go to my room and collapse into bed. Not a day has gone by that I didn't regret not going with her.

The look on her face as I had said those horrible things haunts my dreams. But I had to say them, she never would have left me behind if I hadn't, and if I had gone with her, the team would have hunted us to the ends of the earth.

Or maybe that was just an excuse I kept telling myself to justify abandoning her.

"Please be safe," I whisper to whatever god or deity that might be listening.

But only Clint answered me.

"I'm sure she will be," he says gently, standing in my doorway.

"You obviously have forgotten how reckless she is," I tell him, trying to joke.

He can tell my heart isn't in it though, "one thing I do remember is how much she loves you. Nothing could stop her from coming back to you."

"I said horrible things to her," I remind him. "I broke her heart. On purpose, Clint. She's not coming back."

He smiles gently, "we both know that a few mean words wouldn't stop her."

"Pardon the interruption," JARVIS said, "but there has been an unexpected guest at your house Miss Romanoff."

"You have a house?" Clint asked in surprise.

"No, Marzda has a house," I say as I get out of bed. "Do you know who it is JARVIS?"

"The Maximoff twins."

"I'll take care of it." Brushing by Clint I head to the living area and grab my keys and a jacket. "I'll be back later," tell him.

Heading to the garage I go to the bike that Marz had gotten me. Hopping on, it purrs to life under me and then I'm weaving through traffic. Not long after I pull up in front of the house I've avoided for the past few months. There's an unfamiliar car in the driveway and as I turn of the bike the front door opens.

Sighing, I get off and make my way towards the door. When I get to the porch Wanda greets me, "you got here faster then we thought you would."

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