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New Years Eve

"Ok Romanoff, truth or dare?" Tony asked me with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Truth," I reply, trying to play it safe.

He leans towards me, "was it you that took out the leader of the Blood Eyes?"

Smiling I take a sip of my drink before answering, "now if I told you that I'd have to kill you."

Yelena turns to me, "you suka! I wanted him!"

"Sorry littler sister," I shrug. "Steve, truth or dare?"


"What's going on with you and Sharon?"

Tony and Clint make an Ooh sound and we all wait for his answer. "I change my mind, dare."

"Can't do that!" Clint says happily.

"Yeah come on lover boy, tell us," Tony chimes in.

Steve sighs and finally answers, "I like her."

"Good for you, you both deserve to be happy," I tell him.

"Thanks," he say with a small smile. He turns to Yelena, "truth or dare."

She grins, "dare obviously."

"I dare you to... drink this entire bottle of hot sauce," he tells her as he pulls out a small bottle from his pocket.

"Easy," she says as she takes it from him and takes it like a shot. At first nothing happens but then her eyes go big and her face gets red, "what is that?"

"Something I had Tony make for me."

Yelena grabs her drink and chugs it, and when she's done she licks her lips, "got any more?"

We play for another hour until Tony jumps up, "I have a special surprise! Follow me, oh, and get the twins and kid."

Once we were all outside on the balcony he hits a button and fireworks start going off. The twins, Yelena, Steve and I all cringe at the sound. "I told him no fireworks," I tell Wanda. "Doesn't he know most of us have PTSD and loud noises are not a good thing?" Wanda nods as her eyes glow slightly and the next thing I know the sound of the fireworks is gone. We smile at her thankfully and watch the fireworks in peace.

When they are done Olympia yells, "More!"

Before Tony can say anything Wanda asks her, "do you want to see me make some with magic?"

"Yes!" Olympia squeals.

"Let's go then," Wanda says, and they go off into another room.

The rest of us head back inside and Tony heads for the bar, "drink anyone?"

While the boys get a drink I stay by the windows looking up at the stars. "Happy new year Marz," I whisper to myself.

"She'd be proud of you," Clint says from beside me.

"I hope so."

He nudges me gently, "you're doing a good job with her."

"I just hope I don't screw her up."

"With all of us helping? Impossible."

Just then the building shudders as an explosion rips through the lower floors, sending us to the ground. Smoke and screams rise up to us and from the next room I hear Olympia screaming. "Everyone ok?" I groan as I get to my feet. The boys groan in response and I ask, "Yelena?"

"Fine," she coughs, "go get her."

I stagger to the door checking the hall before heading to the next room. I find Wanda and Olympia behind a couch, a red bubble around them. When Olympia sees me she runs into my arms and clings to me tightly. "You ok detka?"

"She's scared but unhurt," Wanda tells me as she comes over.

"Thank you," I tell her. "Are you ok?"

She nods, "what happened?"

"I'm not sure, but I think it was a bomb." Another explosion rips into the building and we fall to the floor as dust falls around us. The red bubble quickly covers us and Olympia screams in my ear as she burrows into my neck. "Sshh sshh sshh detka, it's ok," I try and sooth her and eventually the screaming turns to whimpers. "We have to get out of here," I tell Wanda.

She closes her eyes for a second and when she opens them she looks worried, "the only way out is the roof. Part of the hallway has collapsed."

I shake my head, "there's no exit up there."

Wanda gets a look that I can decipher, "there is. Trust me."

"Let's go."

Wanda leaves the room first and I follow close behind, looking at the rubble that now separated us from the rest of the team.

Wanda stops, "they are ok, I can feel them," she say, answering my unasked question.

Giving her a nod we start again, making it several floors before the first threat made itself known. Screams came from around a corner and we ducked into an empty room just as three giant lizard looking creatures came into view. The Daxomites were back and they were attacking.

They start down the hall and as they pass us Olympia lets out a small whimper and they stop. Wanda starts to glow and looks at me, "get to the roof, I'll meet you there." Without another word she blasts into the Daxomites, sending them all down the hall. She runs towards them throwing bursts of her magic as I run towards the stairs.

I don't stop running until we get to the roof and crash through the door onto the helipad. As my eyes adjust to the darkness and the door closes behind me I slowly realize that the roof is covered in a half a dozen Daxomites, all with weapons pointed at us. "Close your eyes," I tell her, and pray that she does as she's told for once.

The Daxomites start towards us, I curse myself for not bringing my gun. As the first Daxomite weapon powers up, a gust of wind whips around us and a person lands in front of the Daxomites. As they rise they yell something in a harsh language, a wave coming from them and vaporizing the Daxomites.

They turn to me and my knees went weak- the familiar face of Marzda greeted me. Granted she had changed, black glyphs now ran down the left side of her face and her arms were covered in tattoos, but it was her.

She comes towards us and I don't realize that I'm standing there frozen until she asks, "are you ok?"

"Are you really here?"

She smiles slightly, "I am."

"Mommy?" Olympia asks.

"It's ok love," I tell her. "This is.. a friend." Disappointment flashes across Marzdas face and I momentarily feel bad, but now was not the time.

Suddenly Marzda's hand goes to her ear and her eyes to the sky, "Rocket we need an exit now."

I follow her eyes right to a Daxomite ship coming towards us. She looks back towards where she landed and another ship appears out of thin air and she pulls me towards it. "What is this?" I ask.

"I'll explain everything but right now I need to get you both to safety."

She steps into the ship and holds out a hand to me. "What about the others?" I ask. "My sister is with them, and Wanda is somewhere inside."

"I have a team getting them, they'll meet us at the rally point." When I still don't step into the ship she says, "Natasha we need to go. They aren't here for anyone but her." Her eyes go to the child in my arms and I finally take her offered hand. She pulls me into the ship and the ramp closes behind us.

She heads towards the pilots chair and says, "strap in, it's about to get bumpy."

The copilots seat swivels towards us and I couldn't help but ask, "is that a-?"

"Don't say it lady," the creature warns.

"Raccoon," Olympia says for me.

                                    End Part Three

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