
344 8 2


September 30th 2014

A stab of pain in my chest jolts me awake and I grab my chest. I cry out as the worst pain I'd ever felt courses through me.

My door flies open as Wanda runs in, her entire body glowing as she looks around the room. "What's wrong?" She asks concerned. Her light dies down when she sees me struggling to breath and rushes to my side. "Nat what's wrong?"

"Can't... breath," I gasp out. "Chest.. hurts."

"What do I do?" She asks in a panic.

Olympia starts to cry and I look towards her, "calm.. her."

Wanda goes and pick up the crying baby while I continue to try and breath. My first thought was that it was a panic attack, but I'd had those before and this was nothing like it. This was like someone was taking my heart and setting it on fire while chopping it into little pieces while also beating it with hammer.

I'd only ever felt like this once in my life. A mission had gone sidewise and I'd been shot and had died. But I wasn't dying now was I? Or.. maybe it wasn't me that was dying.

As soon as I came to that realization the pain was gone. "Marz is dead," I whisper.

Wanda freezes, "how do you know?"

"I can feel it."

I never understood when Marz said that she could feel everything that I felt.

Not until now.

It would figure that the one time I could feel her through this infernal Bond is when she died.

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