hangover | 3

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I woke up with my head feeling like it might explode, I groggily tried getting up but then 5 seconds later I was throwing up all over the floor, baby steps I reminded myself, laying back down, I gave myself a few minutes to stop my head from spinning or at least try to lessen it, when I felt like I wouldn't throw up immediately again, I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light.

I was still at Katie's house, more specifically her room. Looking around I saw Katie passed out beside me, to my left was a card with my name on it placed on top of the nightstand, with an Advil and a water bottle next to it.

I badly wanted to take the advil right then and there, but I was slightly sceptical that it might be drugged, so Instead I took the card and began to read.


Good morning my love, I'm so sorry that I couldn't be with you this morning, my dad called and I needed to go home. It's around 6:25am as I'm writing this, and I'm gonna guess you don't remember much of what happened yesterday. To cut it short, you and Katie got really drunk after a while and passed out around 2am, Me and Nate placed the both of you in bed and locked the door so no one could get in, your stuff should be inside the nightstand. Oh and btw I left an Advil for both you and Katie so make sure to drink it to lessen the hangover. I hope you have a wonderful day beautiful. ;)

PS. I texted your dad thru your phone that you're spending the night at Katie's so he doesn't worry.

-love Isaac

Reading all that made my head feel worse, couldn't he just get to the point, ugh why did he write so much, I thought. Sitting up on the bed I took the advil and drank the water no longer worrying about it being unsafe after finding out that it's from Isaac.

Taking another glance at Katie I noticed that she also had an Advil and water at her side, also with a note but it was just a short thanks about the party and explanation about how she ended up in bed.

after that I checked the nightstand if my stuff was still there, and on the first compartment was my phone and purse.

Lazily I flopped down onto the bed and saw that it was 7:45 am already, looking thru my messages, I was thankful that Matt reminded me to charge my phone before guests arrived yesterday, so now I still had 36% of battery left, it didn't suprise me that there were hundreds of messages waiting for me, most probably being birthday greetings and people sending photos of the party, scrolling down at my contacts I made a mental reminder that I should thank each one of them later.

Finally seeing my dad's name on the screen, I clicked on his message, looking at the conversations from yesterday that Isaac was talking about


11:16 pm
Hey sweetie, I know you want to hangout with your friends for longer so it's ok if your a little bit late.

12:45 am
Ok I know that I said you can be out late but i would like to be updated so I know that your not laying in a ditch somewhere

1:14 am
Missed call from dad
Missed call from dad
Missed call from dad
Curi call me I'm starting to get worried
If you don't I'm gonna ask one of the other kids there about your whereabouts

1:30 am
Curiosity you are in deep trouble young lady I know your still partying go home now

1:50 am
Curi people are texting me that they don't know where you are anymore
If they still don't know where you are I'm gonna call the cops

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