problems and more problems | 14

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A/N: as promised 5k words🥳, btw my school officially banned phones so I can't write at school anymore😭😭😭, we weren't allowed to have phones back then aswell but they weren't really strict about it and only confiscated when you used your phone while there's a class happening. Anyways enough of me and more on the chapter⬇️⬇️⬇️. Y'all are gonna laugh, cry, and feel like you wanna play daddy issues by the neighborhood in the background frfr.

It was the final subject of the day, I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to get Jessy's attention, but like yesterday she ignored me. Thinking it was because of what happened earlier, I just let it be and actually listen to her teach. As the school bell rang signaling the end of class, I purposely left my phone on my desk so that I have a reason to be alone with her.

"Oh shoot I left my phone" I acted as though I was checking my pockets, "I'll run back and get it, you guys head out to the others", I told my friends, Katie rolled her eyes figuring out my plan already while Nate and Lexie just nodded unaware of my real intention, we were around 2 classrooms away from Miss Jackson's room so it was a waste of time if all of us went together, I turned around and head to her classroom again.

"Miss Morgan, what can I help you with?" Jessy asked me as I entered the classroom, she was sitting at her desk looking thru a pile of papers not bothering looking at me

"I just forgot my phone, how'd you know it was me?" I asked, awkwardly retrieving my phone, "got it" I raised the phone up to show her, she looked at me

"Well you do have a habit of making up excuses just to see me, and you're the only student in this school who has the guts to come see me after school hours" she stated, stopping what she was doing she leaned onto the desk and placed her chin between her palm giving me her full attention, something I've been craving the entire day. "Is there anything else I can help you with?, I'm a very busy person Miss Morgan"

I approached her desk, "maybe I can help?" I offered, wanting to spend more time around her

"That's not exactly a wise idea" she looked down thinking, "and I'm sure your boyfriend won't appreciate you hanging around with the woman who flirted with you less than a week ago"

"As far as my 'boyfriends" concerned, I'm simply helping out a teacher" I tried convincing her

"Exactly Miss Morgan. teacher, and you're my student. This advances you've been making towards me is highly unprofessional nor is it appropriate-"

"You didn't exactly stop it when you almost kissed me yesterday, oh wait you were the one who did the first move" she straightened her back even more than before and said the next thing with pure ice laced in her voice

"And I can assure you, that this misunderstanding won't ever happen again, what happened yesterday is something that was done without a thought of the possible consequence or outcome." That hurt, this isn't what I wanted to accomplish

"What?" My voice cracked as I tried my best not to let a tear slip, I didn't even know this woman and yet she had this effect over me

"You heard me, so I'll ask again. Is there anything else I can do for you miss Morgan?" I looked into her eyes to see if she really means it and all I saw was disgust, like I was a bother to her.

"Yes actually", I forced my self to say giving a tight lip smile, "about the project you gave us earlier, how come I'm the only one without a partner?"

She seemed grateful that I asked something she can answer that doesn't involve her feelings, "your partner isn't here yet. an international student would be joining our school in a few weeks, and rumor has it that your the smartest girl in school so I have no doubt that you'll be able to finish the project with her by the end of the month"

Will Always Be You (wlw) (Teacherxstudent)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora