Camp | 18

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I go to Quins Catholic Private Academy, the school where all the rich kids attend. The thing about Catholic school is that most of the kids here are horny, that's why the yearly camp is a crowd favorite amongst my peers. Although the entire ordeal of the camp was supposed to be about a spiritual retreat for students, they tend to do not so holy things in the 3 days that were there.

This year was different for me, since I'm the school president, I have to perform the first night we were there, but not only that, we also had a dance prepared representing the school. So more or less, I needed it to be perfect.

Beep. beep. beep.

I heard my alarm go off, we had to be at school, 4am in the morning so I set up my alarm at 3am so I can get ready. I felt like I didn't have enough sleep so I turned the alarm off since I had another one set at 3:30am and went back to sleep. The next few minutes felt wonderful, I actually slept really good. To good for my comfort to be honest. I bolted awake when I noticed that I've been asleep for quite sometime and checked my phone to see the time.

3:58am, it read, and I was no longer feeling tired. The bus was leaving at 4:15 and principal Xavier told us many times that they would leave with or without us if we were late. I quickly hopped into the shower, not having time to wait for the water to get hot. I didn't put lotion on since the short bath already costed me 5 minutes. Luckily I prepared my outfit the night before and quickly got changed. Katie then called me since she was driving me to school, checking the time before answering her call, it was now 4:07.

"Heyyyyy Katie Lou how are you?" I asked her thru the phone as I quietly violently threw sunscreen on my face

"You woke up late didn't you?" She knew me so well

"Where are you?, I'll be done in a sec" I tossed everything else I needed on my camping bag before running to the bathroom to brush my teeth while packing toiletries

"Outside your house, hurry I can see Isaac coming out of his house......oh god he just waved at me awkwardly" I stifled a laugh as squirted the toothpaste.

"Don't mind him, I'll be out in 5 minutes" I reassured her

"WELL BE LATE IN 5 MINUTES!" I quickly hung up before she woke up my parents, they just forgave me for ditching school, I cannot have them cranky so early in the morning.

Finally at exactly 4:15am I went out of the house running, I could hear the girls, Yila, Yana, and katie whisper yelling at me to hurry.

"Heya fellas" I was immediately slapped in the head with a newspaper by yila, her twin just laying back next to her enjoying the scene.

"Go now" Yila ordered katie, scared that the bus might leave us.

"Good morning to you too yils" I said sarcastically

"We are late", she began to panic, "principal Xavier very clearly stated that we can't be late"

"Principal Xavier won't leave without its student body president" i gave her a reassuring smile as I began applying lotion on my body, I was wearing my school's PE uniform so it wasn't easy.

Since the school was a few minute drive from my house, and Katie going over the speed limit, we arrived only 10 minutes late. Luckily when we got there, all the other students were waiting outside the bus. We all let out a sigh of relief, as we walked towards them.

"Girls I told you–" our principal started but I cut him off as I gave my bags to the driver

"Don't be late, we know" I faced him, "I woke up late, good thing you haven't left yet"

"Yes, we're waiting for someone" I raised my eyebrow wondering who he was talking about, "finally she's here"

He looked at the side and a familiar black sports car came into view, and no other than Jessy walked out it, luggage in hand.

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