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Nestled in the cozy living room, you expectantly waited for the Amorii to take out his homemade wine for the two of you to enjoy. The soft glow of the crackling fireplace casts a warm and inviting ambiance in the room. You glanced at the frost-kissed window, seeing that the garden had now transformed into a winter wonderland as delicate snowflakes gently cascaded from the heavens, painting the landscape in a pristine blanket of white.

Eventually, the male escort entered the room, a gentle smile on his face. In his hands, he carried a tray adorned with delectable treats and a carafe of homemade wine, its aroma filling the air with a rich bouquet.

You hesitantly gazed at the said wine. "You know, I- I seldom drink."

The last time you ever put wine in your mouth was probably when you were in your curious phase, wanting to try all that the world can offer, but after knowing that alcohol is not good for one's health, you didn't dare to drink anymore.

-after all, your body is not yours alone.

"Aw, don't be like that, sweetheart," he took a glass and filled it with wine, handing it to you. "I promise it tastes good."

Facing his expectant eyes, you don't have the heart to refuse him so you helplessly complied. It took you a while but eventually, you took a little sip of it; a taste of sweetness immediately burst into your mouth and you could taste the pleasant taste of fruits and honey mixed with other substances you couldn't recognize, but you were pretty sure that it's just one of its ingredients.

"Sweet, isn't it?" He grinned proudly. "I made it myself."

You nodded in agreement, taking another sip as you now remembered the reason why you liked to drink so much in the past, totally forgetting the reason why you stopped in the first place.

You drink and drink and drink some more while Kael indulges you, filling your glass each time it goes empty. Eventually, one can see how cloudy your eyes are and how warm your cheeks are. Your head bobbed up and down, looking as if you were about to fall asleep, not noticing the triumphant smile on your escort's face.

"So you're the type to feel sleepy once drunk," he brushed his fingers against your cheek. "How adorable."

He then scooted closer.

"Tell me, sweetheart," he whispered expectantly, despite knowing the result. "Do you love me?"

Surprisingly, the answer is the opposite of his expectation. "I like you."

Kael froze for a while before smiling helplessly. He thought that you would say "no," but he didn't expect your answer would be much better than what he imagined it to be. Were you just being honest or was it just the influence of the alcohol?

"How much?"

You tilted your head before pursing your lips, gesturing with your arms wide open. "This much."

The Amorii chuckled at your cuteness, feeling giddy, but he was soon reminded of your words that broke his heart.

"-our arrangement was only for a month, and I don't have any plans to extend it beyond that. I value the time we've spent together, and I appreciate your company, but I simply don't want to drag this on."

His smile looked bitter as he looked down at his clenched fists.

How can a person who's so kind and tolerating be that heartless?

Kael was willing to quit for you. He was also willing to not succumb to his desire as long as you continue to rent him. He was even willing to give you money to pay for him, but you didn't accept. You weren't willing to compromise. You don't want him.

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