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That person's voice, which you hadn't heard in a long time, entered your ears like a beautiful song. It made you feel an overwhelming sense of joy and longing, as if you were floating up into the sky. You had missed it so much, and its return was like a wave of emotions washing over you.

His voice was akin to a precious treasure found again after it had been missing for a long time. It reminded you of the past and brought back memories that tasted both sweet and sad. You exhaled shakily, not knowing what to say. Still, your heart struggled desperately, wanting nothing but to go to him right now.

—that's just how deep the bonds the two of you shared.

"Yohan," you uttered his name in yearning, wanting to see his face, touch his skin, and talk to him directly. "Yohan."

You missed him.

And surely, he must have felt the same.

"Have you been well?"

You nodded eagerly but remembered that there was no way he could see it, "Yes."

"That's a relief to hear," he sighed, his voice filled with a mix of worry and regret, causing him to speak faster out of anxiety. "Were you upset with me? Is that why you didn't answer my call? I'm sorry. I might have acted impulsively when I suggested separating. You can come back home whenever you want, you know? Mom and Dad miss you. I do too.

As soon as your mind was able to comprehend his words, you were happy, but most of all, you were confused. "Didn't pick up your call? But Yohan, I've never received one in the first place."

"Huh, that's strange, but I guess, what's important right now is that you're well and healthy." He replied. "Maybe the problem lies in your phone. How about buying a new one?"

You smiled, not answering since there's a lot of precious memory you have on your phone. "Is madam okay?"

"What 'madam'?" he chuckled softly. "She'd be annoyed if she heard that. You should call her 'Mom' like she wants you to. And to answer your question, yes, she's okay and is still traveling with Dad. I'm not sure where they are in the world right now though. Probably somewhere in Southeast Asia."

You nodded, relieved to know that everyone was okay. As a spirit, your job is to protect your human, but since this world is now at peace, there's not much chance where you can showcase your ability. Still, you're glad that everyone's healthy even without you around.

"I miss all of you too," you confessed, your voice tinged with a hint of longing. "It's tough being away, but you're right, Yohan. The world has so many things to offer, and I can proudly say that I have created memories that I can look back on fondly. I'm also slowly adapting to the outside world. Just a little bit more and I think I might be able to achieve my dream."

"Okay, but don't push yourself too much," he advised. "Days ago, I noticed some tiny wounds on the back of my hand. I hope it's not you scratching your skin again in frustration when things don't go your way. Also, don't limit yourself when it comes to eating, it's okay to indulge in some fast food like pizza or hamburgers once in a while. It won't kill me honestly. And remember to be cautious when it comes to trusting a total stranger, I swear that sometimes you're like a newborn baby to me, too trusting and innocent."

You laughed. "Well, that's because I learned that from you. Your kindness, your attentiveness, and your patience—all reflected in me so blame yourself first if anything happened."


"Sweetheart, didn't I tell you to rest well?"

The sudden voice of Kael sternly calling out to you startled you, causing you to stop paying attention to that person's response. You raised your head, dumbfounded to see your escort holding a tray of smoothies and quesadillas. His expression is sulking.

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