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Into the ice-kissed air came wintry feathers of pure white, a great snowfall that soon gave way to a blizzard, as if a sky dam had burst. You shivered slightly from the cold as you quickly stepped inside your house, hoping to find a source of heat, a bag of grocery in your hands. At that moment, you happened to notice a familiar man lying asleep on your couch. His white hair tousled and his eyes closed. You blinked in confusion before vaguely remembered that ROMANCE had notified you that your escort will come earlier than promise, to which you reply with okay along with the location of your hidden spare house key.

You decided to put down the grocery bag on the dining table first before leaving to check on your guest. He was soundly asleep and though it wasn't really professional of him to do so, you don't really mind.

However, for some reason, the closer your steps got to him, the colder you feel, as if he was a living air conditioner which is an anomaly since shouldn't human body emitted heat?

ーbut then again, this man wasn't really a human.

Nodding at that fact, you went and fetched him a duvet and a pillow. However, his body was like a broken air-conditioner that can't be turned off, and you can't help but wonder why would the founder assigned him to you on this wintry season. Was it to torture you? You frowned, fetching a few more duvets so that his cold body heat would be trapped inside instead of spreading around and making the heater in your house useless.

After about two more duvets, you were finally satisfied so you prepared a warm drink to sip on while reading the books Yohan gave.

Although spirits don't have that specialized nerve cells that are able to detect differences in temperature like humans have, their cheap imitation of a human body does have one, though not as sensitive as the original's. Still, it did give you an illusion of being a human.

"If only being a human is that easy..."

A bittersweet smile graced your lips as your delicately turned the pages of the book, your eyes tracing the words in silence. The soft glow of a nearby lamp cast a warm, golden hue on the scene, illuminating the intricacies of the room. Outside, the snow whirled and danced, its relentless howls a stark contrast to the peaceful stillness within.

Beside you, lying in restless slumber, was the Amorii. His chest rose and fell in a quick rhythm, his eyebrows furrows, creating wrinkles in the middle. It was clear that his sleep wasn't as comfortable as you thought, but unfortunately, you were too focused to notice the source of his discomfort, which is the three layers of duvet wrapped on top of him.

Lost in the quietude of the moment, you found solace within the walls of the living room. The ache of loneliness and longing was now filled with the presence of another living being. Despite knowing the possibility that he might be the same type of person as Kael, you can't deny that his existence right now comfort you.


You snapped out of your daydream when a hoarse voice belonging to a male invade your eardrums. You turned to look at the source of voice, seeing that the man bundled up on the couch was making a look of annoyance as he pushed the three layers of duvet away from his body, you can't help but felt guilty.

In a groggy state, his grey eyes landed on you. He stared at you for a while, the deep wrinkles between his eyebrows gradually disappeared as he sighed, realizing that he had fallen asleep when his job was to make his service worth your money. He shifted his position into a sitting one.

"Sorry, I should have wait for you." He ruffled his hair tiredly. "I will make it up to you. Do you want me to cook something for you?"

You shook your head, grimacing a little bit at the sudden remembrance of Kael's cooking ability. Would he too be the same?

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