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JESSICA walked over to the Hughes dock, seeing Luke setting up the boat to take out later. " What's up Luke", she greeted, the boy sending her a nod. " So, how have you been?",

Luke shrugged, " Been alright, you?",

" Yeah same here", she said, looking at him. The boy sent her an awkward look, getting off the boat to sit beside her on the dock.

" Did you have something you wanted to talk about?",

Jessica shrugged, " Not really. But since you're asking, how do you feel about you and Cris?", Luke shook his head at her, " I'm asking because you're my friend too. I know I didn't really check up on you after everything so, I'm doing that now".

Luke sighed, " It's fine. I mean, it's kinda hard seeing her all the time now, and not being able to be how we used to be", he shrugged, " But again, that's my fault. I ended it, so I have to deal with it too".

She did feel bad, for both of them. " Well, I know she thinks it's hard too. It doesn't have to be different, you know. You were friends before, you can be friends again",

" I know that, but does she know that?",

Jessica nodded, Luke looking up at the Ivy household.    " I dunno, Jess. She probably hates me",

Jessica laughed, " She could never hate you. It's just hard for her to understand why you ended it. You never really told her the reason", she said looking over at him, " Cris thinks it's cause she wasn't what you wanted, or she wasn't enough for you anymore".

Luke scoffed, " Well she is what I still want, and she will always be enough for me, so you can tell her I said that".

The girl smiled and nodded at him, sitting with him for a bit before heading back to the Ivy residence. Cristina sat in the kitchen, waiting for her best friend to return. " He said, that you are still what he wants, and that you'll always be enough for him", Jessica said slightly out of breath from walking so fast.

Cristina smiled softly, shaking her head. " Then there was no reason to end it when he did", she shrugged, Jessie groaning.

" God, just talk to him today on the boat. Honestly, it's not that difficult", her best friend said. They headed upstairs, changing into their bikinis and throwing jean shorts over top.

Jessica led them down to the Hughes dock, the group of guys getting themselves onto the boat. " Ladies", Trevor smiled, holding his hand out to help them on the boat.

" Age gap, Z!", Quinn reminded, Trevor rolling his eyes at the older boy. Cristina smiled at Quinn, grabbing herself a bottle of water from the cooler near the back of the boat. Luke sat beside the cooler, the girl sending him a smile.

" Hey, Lukey", she smiled, sitting beside him. She felt kinda awkward, but decided to at least try and be friends with him again.

" What's up", he said, the girl shrugging. " Wheres Sam?",

" She didn't want to come, said there is no one her age to hangout with", Cristina said laughing. Luke felt a smile on his face once he heard the girls laugh, that always seemed to put him in a better mood.

He hummed, " Makes sense. Trevor would probably hit on her",

" I wouldn't, that's to far. Even for me", Trevor said immediately.

" Bro, stop eavesdropping", Luke said to him, Trevor scoffing before turning back to his conversation with Jessie. Cristina and Luke laughed as Jessie mouthed a ' help', to them, but they just shrugged. " Look, I wanted to talk. About, last summer",

Cristina shook her head, " Its whatever, honestly. I wasn't what you wanted at the time, and it's ok. University is really different, i get it",

" No, Cris, that's not it. Trust me, you are what I want, and you were what I wanted then too", Luke said, " I don't know why I did it, I just thought it made sense. But it didn't, it would've worked. Easily, I know it would've. But I'm sorry",

She nodded, " Okay, well. Can we at least not be so awkward around each other, it's annoying", she joked. Luke nodded, the girl smiling at him before Jack engaged in conversation with the two.

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