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LUKE walked through campus, Ethan walking beside him. The two were walking back to their house after deciding to go to the gym instead of their classes.

" So, what are you doing for Halloween?",

" Is that soon?", Luke asked. Ethan nodded at him, " I haven't really thought about it, you?".

Ethan shrugged, " Probably gonna do something with Zoe. It's in like a week, so better get planning".

" Who's having the party this year, anyway?",

" Us!", Ethan laughed.

Luke groaned, " Are you guys serious? Why am I never asked if I approve of these stupid parties at our house".

" Because we know you'd say no?".

" Fair enough", the taller boy shrugged.

Ethan laughed, " Ask Cris to do something with you? I'm sure she would".

" She's probably doing something with Jess, I'll figure something out".

" Mm, no. Zoe told me Jess is doing something with Luca, so Cris is on her own", Ethan nodded.

Luke looked over at him, Ethan giving him a look.

" Ok, I'll ask her", Luke confirmed, " Why are you so determined that I do everything with Cris?".

Ethan shrugged, " Because I can tell that you guys are meant to be together. When I was with you guys in the summer, it was like watching two people who know they're meant to be together, not be together".

" We are meant to be together. I know that", Luke said strongly, " I couldn't picture myself with anyone other than Cristina".

" You should tell her that".

Luke scoffed, " Yeah right".

" What? You should. She'd love to hear that", Ethan said, groaning as Luke shoved him away.



movie night?😁

                                                   mmm I'll think about it

can u not

what time r u coming



bring something to

                                             do I need to bring enough
                                                                                for Jess?

no idk where she is



why is my wattpad
not letting me have
text on opposite
sides it's like
glitching so bad😭

those texts took me forever
bc of it sooo not doing that
again until it's fixed

slipping through my fingers, l.hughesWhere stories live. Discover now