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CRISTINA facetimed her little sister as she walked to class, her large puffer jacket and hood taking up the screen. Winter finally began in Ann Arbor, and she wasn't to happy about it.

" Happy birthday, Sammy!!", The brunette smiled.

Samantha laughed, " Thanks, Cris. You look a bit cold?".

" I'm so warm, what do you mean?", her cheeks turning red from the wind, " So, gonna do your drivers test?".

" Yeah, I'm going soon. Mom let me stay home from school", the younger girl nodded, " Then I'll drive down and see you, once I actually get my license".

Cristina chuckled, " Yeah well, I'll be home by the time you can actually drive. Next year though".

Sam nodded, " How are things? With Luke, and school".

" Schools good, busy, but I'm having fun", Cristina nodded, " Luke and I are good. We hangout a lot, which I'm happy about. Sucks that he won't be here next year".

" Well, make up for that time you're gonna lose, now! He texted me happy birthday", Samantha smiled, " Isn't he just a gentleman?".

She snorted, " Sure is".

Cristina ended the call, still having ten minutes until she reached her lecture hall. Samantha loved Luke, like loved him. The whole Ivy family adored the boy, and it was the same for him. The Hughes family obsessed over the younger girl, especially Ellen, since she had all boys. That's why she's always wanted Luke and Cristina to be together, even after they broke up.

That almost stressed Cristina out, the expectations of them together. It was never forced, them being together, but it was always just assumed. It bugged her more than it stressed her out, mostly because she didn't want to be so stereotypical.

But she did love Luke, and would always choose Luke. Even if in 15 years and she was married to someone else, if Luke said he wanted her, Cristina wouldn't even have to think twice about it.

Deciding to not think too hard about it anymore, even though she thought about it all through her lecture, she called the boy to see if he wanted to hangout later.

" yeah?", he said as he answered the phone quickly.

Cristina smiled, " Hey, wanna hangout later?".

Luke cleared his throat, " Can't. I'm busy, ask someone else if they could?".

" Oh", her smile dropping instantly, " Sure".

He hung up, Cristina feeling her mood instantly drop. Luke sounded almost, annoyed? She wasn't sure why, they talked yesterday and he was perfectly fine.

Cristina walked back to her dorm, and couldn't help but think maybe he was over her? Maybe he realized they'd done this to many times?



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