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Chapter 13 Dealing with the Scum (1/2) After the apocalypse, I relied on the system to open a community and won.

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He sneered with a ferocious face: "Originally, I thought you were a pretty little beauty, so I wanted to be merciful, but if you are so ignorant, don't blame me for being too cruel."

Hearing this, Xiao Qiao looked at Yun Xia worriedly. She had also heard at the base that Sun Jian had an ace unit, so everyone in the base was careful not to offend him.

So she said to Yun Xia: "Boss Yun, his unit is the elite unit of Sun Chao's father. They are very powerful. It may be difficult to deal with them."

After hearing this, Yun Xia remembered a wise saying: I am fighting the elite!

Looking at Xiao Qiao's worried eyes, Yun Xia comforted him: "Don't worry, he can't beat me today no matter what. His father's elite, old... ahem, I'm fighting against the elite."

People in the community also came out one after another to see that their life here during this period was like a dream, something they had never dared to imagine before. No one was oppressed, and even ordinary people could live with dignity.

They are very grateful that Yunxia can provide such a place.

People with special powers have come out. Team Qiao Wenzhou and Team Tianyun are also here. They want to contribute to Yun Xia. In their eyes, this place is like home.

No one wants this home to be destroyed by others.

Unexpectedly, people who rarely interacted with each other could come forward at this time, and Yun Xia was very moved.

However, she was not worried about Sun Chao even though the system was in place. Even if the community could only defend, it would be a bit troublesome, so she asked the system: "Tongzi, does the community's protective shield have attack equipment? Or can it only be defensive?"

The system also quickly replied: "The current protective shield does not have attack skills, but there is a new type of weapon in the mall that can be purchased and installed on the protective shield. The price is affordable. The host can take a look."

Yun Xia opened the mall and found the weapon mentioned by the system.

【Defense Laser】

(Mounted on a shield, capable of firing a beam to destroy enemies)

The price is clearly marked on it at 120,000 points.

"Affordable price?" Yunxia said speechlessly

"It's true, it's still 20% off now. It used to be 150,000 points." The system said in a brisk tone.

There was no choice but to buy this weapon now, so Yun Xia watched with tears in her eyes as her points were reduced to only a few points.

So she transferred her anger to Sun Chao, who caused today's battle.

Sun Chao saw no one spoke for a long time and thought that Yun Xia was frightened by him, so he smiled evilly and said: "Little beauty, if you come here and kneel down to lick my feet, I can leave you a whole body."

The others were furious when they heard this, and Xiao Qiao's eyes seemed to be bursting with fire.

However, Yun Xia pulled Xiao Qiao's hand and said impatiently to Sun Chao:

"If you want to beat me, then beat me. Don't talk nonsense like that to your aunt. She told me not to spray urine from your mouth. It's so unhygienic. Remember to bring a poop basin with you when you go out. Oh no, you have no future."

After the apocalypse, I relied on the system to open a community and won.Where stories live. Discover now