Chapter 105: Does He Deserve My Help?

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Product formula was a well-guarded secret since Allure was a skincare product company. The moment Jennie brought this up, Yao Jiahong could no longer stay quiet.

Jennie continued, “Mr Zhou, there’s something wrong with your product formula. If you make some changes…”

Mr Zhou chuckled out loud and interrupted her, “Jiahong, where did you find this girl? She is simply intriguing. Enough. I will give you some transport allowance since you came all the way here.”

“Mr Zhou…” Jennie still wanted to go on.

“I have a meeting to go to, so I can’t stay and chat.” Mr Zhou’s expression was annoyed and his smile disappeared completely.

The secretary took out some money. Even though he was smiling, his words sounded cold. “Here you go.”

It felt as though Jennie came all the way here just to get this meager sum of money.

Yao Jiahong was so angry that he pulled Jennie and left without even taking it.

Behind the door, the secretary kept looking at them in contempt as they left.

Yao Jiahong said to Jennie, “That’s enough. I will take care of this, so you stay out of it.”

He did not throw a temper at Jennie. After all, she was not at fault.

Jennie said softly, “There is something wrong with their product formula. It will set off allergic reactions on customers with special conditions.”

“Are you for real?” Even though Yao Jiahong phrased it like a question, he kind of believed her.

Ever since the yao orchid incident, he instinctively trusted Jennie when it came to obscure knowledge.

He asked, “Since there is something wrong with the formula, you should have warned me about it so that we could come up with some way to convince Mr Zhou.”

Jennie glanced at Yao Jiahong. She was clearly trying to say. If she had told him about it beforehand, would he believe her?

He cleared his throat awkwardly.

Jennie said mildly, “I could have highlighted the problem to Mr Zhou using subtler methods, but do you think he deserves my help?”

Yao Jiahong was speechless. Mr Zhou was all about money, so he was unworthy of Jennie’s help.

He was not even apologetic about kicking Jennie off the advertisement and simply kept throwing money at them. It was abundantly clear what kind of man he was.

“Never mind. This is out of our control anyway.” Although Yao Jiahong believed Jennie, he felt it was none of their business.

After Jennie parted ways with Yao Jiahong, she surfed the internet on her phone to find out more about the Zhou family.

She discovered there were other people running the business and Mr Zhou was not the sole owner.

The moment she saw their family photo, she recalled more details. In her past life, even though customers experienced allergic reactions on Mr Zhou’s watch, he turned a blind eye, embezzled funds, and ran off without doing anything for the consumers. The man who stepped up and solved the problem was his cousin, Zhou Tang.

Zhou Tang received no support from the family all his life, so his talent was buried. After the incident occurred, he ended up selling all his property and took responsibility for the problem.

Thanks to his actions, Jennie did not want to stand by and wait for Allure to sink. Otherwise, she would have just left when she learned Nancy was doing the advertisement.

Jennie made a list of the ingredients used in Allure’s products and highlighted the problem before finding Zhou Tang’s contact information and sending it to him.

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