Chapter 13

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The butterfly feeling in my stomach increased. A mountain of exuberance flowed through my body resulting in a shiver traveling down my spine. It was like the feeling of a volcano that has finally erupted after years of longstanding pressure. A feeling of running through a flower field in the middle of March. A feeling almost indescribable. My heart hammered against my chest as our lips collided and moved in sync. His lips were soft and plump against mine and the taste of Strawberry ice-cream was prominent. I did not want it to stop. I did not want the moment to end. I peeked open my eyes and took notice of my companion whose eyes were closed. A sense of guilt suddenly swept through me and it was then I realized the mistake I had made and the trouble I could possibly get myself into.

Oh no!

Realizing what I have done I instantly pulled away from him. I pushed back the loose hairs behind my ears looking down nervously.

What have I done?!

"Uhh- I'm so sorry, I-, this shouldn't have happened," I panicked getting up from my seat.

He ran his hand through his hair and sighed heavily with a hint of regret in his eyes.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I don't know what went through me," he said getting up too.

"This shouldn't have happened."

I took up my backpack and tossed the empty Sundae bowl into the bin a few inches away.

"I've got to go," I said walking off.

With that being said I made my way across the street and to the parking lot where I saw my mom's gray car just pulled up. My phone buzzed in my bag. I took it out and saw a text message from her.

Mom: I'm outside.

I approached the car and hopped into the front seat.

"Hey, mom," I smiled forcibly trying to take my mind off what just transpired.

"Hey, sweetie. How was your first day?" She asked excitedly.

"Better than expected," I replied staring out the window as the car drove off.

The scene that occured between the tall, handsome, jock and me kept replaying in my head.

"Thank you," he said raising his head and staring into my blue eyes.

"For what?" I asked puzzled.

"For getting ice-cream with me. I appreciate it," he smiled.

"Thanks for inviting me," I replied almost blushing.

Through the corner of my eyes I could see her taking quick glances at me. I knew she knew something was occupying my thoughts but could I really tell her what had just happened? Kissing your crush is something to be happy about, right? But obviously not when your crush is your friend's boyfriend!

This is insane! Did I really just kiss Jaxon? He kissed me, right???

Agh! That still doesn't make it right! What have I done?!

"Everything good? Made new friends?" She asked.

"Uhh, yeah. You know I'm not much of a social butterfly, mom," I responded snapping from my endless thoughts.

"You'll be okay," she smiled turning into a lane and within 15 minutes we were home.

* * * *

I had just taken a shower and was sitting around my study desk situated in the corner of my room near a window doing some Math equations out of mere boredom.

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