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"Adriana... come on, get up sweetheart!" My mother's voice called out behind the door.

"Adriana! Get up, get dressed for school... come down for breakfast!" My mother said outside my door, as she opened the doors to my brother's room, waking them up, before opening the door to my room. "Hello, earth to Adriana?"

My mother saw I was under my blankets, as she removed my blankets. "Adriana, you hear me calling you? Why aren't you answering? What wrong? What is the problem?" My mother said heading into my bathroom.

"I don't want to go to school!"

"Excuse me?"

"I don't want to go to school! Today is the homecoming ball!"

"Adriana!" My mother said throwing me my robe. "Do you know what Ricky said last night to me?"

"Yes, please tell me?"

"He asks me if he can go out on a date with you. Tonight?"

"He did?"

"Yes... I said yes, but you have to ask her father?"


"Uh, uh, you know the rules! And if you don't want to go to school today then you don't have to! But go to the store with Deena and Miranda!"

"Deal!" I said covering myself with my blanket before my mother removed my blankets again.

"GET UP! EAT BREAKFAST!" she shouted out to me, pulling my blankets all the way down on the floor.

"Ugh!" I groan out as I grab my robe, head into the bathroom brush my teeth, and wash my face. I walked out of my room, and headed downstairs, as Kj came out of his room, looking at me sideways.

"Why aren't you dressed for school?"

"I am not going today!"

"You can't do that?"

"Yes, I can! Mom said I can stay?"

"Why can you stay and Gomez and I have to go?"

"I am on my period!" I screamed at him as he pretended to throw up, and he ran downstairs just as Gomez came out of his room, holding a book in hand.


"Morning Bubba!"

"You sick, that's why you're not going to school!" Gomez said headed downstairs as I followed him.

"No, I am not sick... I just don't want to go to school cause today is the Homecoming ball! I don't want all my friends to rub it in my face that I don't have a date! Plus I don't have a date tonight either!"

"Oh, I can be your date if you want me to?" Gomez said sitting at the table.

"You are such a sweetheart! I love you so much, Bubba!" I said kissing his forehead before sitting down at the table, as Deena brought out our breakfast, just as my mother came sitting at the table, pouring a cup of coffee as Kj brought out the eggs and slices of bacon.

"Mom... Adriana is sick?" Kj said sitting down next to Gomez.

"She is... and you're not staying from school either, you have a spelling test today! Gomez move your book, I don't want you to spill please!"

Gomez moved his book, as Kj groaned in anger before Miranda brought out waffles for us all. "Waffles! Oh my gosh! it must be a special day for us!" Gomez said with glee as Miranda put a small waffle on his plate.

"It is... and... it for your sister for homecoming ball, but... I guess we are going to turn it around for, Kj's big spelling test and all of us having a great day!" My mother said as she drank back her coffee and she put some eggs and bacon on her plate.

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now