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Jeanette and Nicole were in my room, doing my hair and makeup while I looked at myself in the mirror feeling utterly disappointed in myself. My mother hasn't talked to me much since lying to her and sneaking out of the house leaving my brothers alone in the house. My mother grounded me, and of course, my father punished me.

It was always flipped between them when I had done something bad.

I always feel they plotted against me when I have done something not so bad.

Like the time my brothers and I were playing baseball in the backyard, and I threw the ball hard hitting the glass window and making it break, my parents took away my allowance along with making me fix the glass window when a professional came and fixed it. That time KJ and I wrestled in the living room and ended up breaking our father's gin and his whisky cup, for that, my father punished both of us with no cake for dinner that night.

But now that my parents aren't together, they switch off really when it comes to me being punished, it is almost like a deal that they shake on, and present it to me and have me deal with the consequence.

So here I was, three weeks after coming home late and getting caught, my punishment was I was grounded from my mother for the rest of 1956, thank god we had about three months left of 1956, but here comes the punishment...

I was not to talk to Ricky or see Ricky at all until the new year.

That Punishment was... deadly and hurtful and I was upset that my father would do such a thing, I told him 'You can't do this to me, that's so mean and rude' his comeback and why I accepted the faith in my punishment was my father saying, 'How long have you and Ricky been talking!'. That was enough for me to accept my punishment.

Nicole put a blush on my face, before brushing the brush on my nose and taking me out of my train of thoughts. "You okay?"

"Mhmm... sorry, I was so deep in thought that... what were you talking about again?"

"I was saying that this sucks that your parents aren't having a big birthday party like last time?"

"I have to accept my punishment and this is it!" I said as Jeanette finished my hair before I looked at myself one last time before I turned around giving them two thumbs up for them. "I love it!"

They glee with joy before there is a knock on my door as all our heads turn seeing my mother open up the door as she smile at us. "Lunch is ready, come on!"

The three of us went out of the room, before my mother stopped me, looking at me. "You look beautiful!" she said fixing my hair.

"Thank you!" I said to her as I headed out of the room, and downstairs joining my friends in the dining room. All my favorite lunch foods were on the table, and my friends and I dug right in to eat. We ate and gossiped about school and Jeanette and Nicole's boyfriend and all I could think about was my Ricky.

We moved from eating in the dining room to the living room, to listen to records and open my presents from my friends and indeed I got the present that I wanted from my friends, which wasn't over 100 dollars which I appreciate very much. "Thank girls! I love my gifts so much!"

"I got the biggest gift cause I love you so much!" Jeanette said as Nicole hit her shoulder.

"I got you a good gift too! It is not about size, it is about the gift that matters and that love! I put a lot of love in my gift!" Nicole said with a big smile as I held her gift in my hand.

"This is a charm bracelet... this is a lot of love!"

"But do you see all the charms on it?"

I looked at all the charms and it was all the time as the three of us going places that were special. "Oh my gosh!" I said scanning the charms before finally tearing up and looking up at her. "Nicole!"

"I know!"

I clawed over to her and gave her a big hug as Jeanette came in, hugging me too as we hugged each other tightly. "Alright, alright! Let's not make this about me!" Nicole said with a smile as Jeanette and I grabbed a pillow hitting her.

We started a pillow fight as my tears flowed away and somewhat better and feeling happy about having two friends who loved me for me. It has been a tough year, but when it came to my birthday, it was always the best with two of my best friends by my side.

"Oh god, my makeup!" I said stopping as I rushed off to the bathroom as Jeanette and Nicole continued pillow fighting. I looked at myself in the mirror before fixing my hair, as I left out of the bathroom where my mom was on the phone. I walked past her before she grabbed my hand stopping me.

"Yeah, thank you, hold on!" My mother said removing the phone from her ear before she handed it to me.

"Who is that?" I asked her as she walked away from me with a smile as I put my ear to the phone. "Hello?"


I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard his voice and I couldn't believe my mother was letting me talk to him right now. Jeanette and Nicole came rushing from the living room before looking at me as if I had two heads.

"What's wrong?" Jeanette asked with a worried face.

"What happened?" Nicole said also worried.

"Ricky on the phone!" I screamed out to them as they screamed and jumped up and down as well. I looked at my mom who was cleaning up the lunch before she winked at me and headed toward the kitchen.


Later that evening I ate my small birthday cake and watched Tom and Jerry flipping my legs back and forth with glee and happiness on how I got to talk to Ricky today and all the love from his short phone call made my birthday after all. My mother came into the living room sitting on the couch with her nail kit.

"How's the cake?"


"Good, I am glad the cake was amazing! I made it with love!"

"Thank you!"

"You got to finish it soon, the boys will be coming home soon!"

"Did you enjoy your surprise phone call?"

"Mhmm!" I said stuffing my face as I looked up at my mother with a smile before she smiled at me.

"Let's keep this between us alright, don't tell your father about this!"

"I won't... I promise!"

"Good girl!" My mother said to me, just as the front door swung open and my brothers came running in.

"Mom!" Kj and Gomez screamed out as I finished the last piece of cake before wiping my face.

This was a short chapter... I hope you enjoy it, I promise the next chapter will be more better and fun!

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now