Room Incident

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The old man led us to a room, and we heard a faint scream. Leeroy was scared and thought that the faint scream was an indication of someone being tortured. Calista was brave and was again having a sword in her hand and was ready to attack. The old man took a knife as sharp as a katana. The old man asked us "Will you join me to slaughter people and be the forces of the Titan of the Death?" Leeroy was laughing at him, and the old man was kind of sad. Something was going on between them suspicious.

We all answered "No" loudly laughing.

The man threw the knife at me, and I almost got hit by it. The force which he gave was so strong, it broke the wall next to me.

Then he took a big sword (bigger than a Calista's sword) and swung a big blow at me, slitting my arm, almost into half. By the way, Lere gave me a hand knife with an ancient script on it. I used my knife on the old man and when the sword hit the shoulder of the old man, a fire sparked from the knife, enlarging it into a big sword.

The old man's shoulder got ripped into pieces. He then tried to use some karate attacks on Calista and Rico and aimed at Syara and hit her with his fist in her stomach and then I came behind and stabbed him.

This is the day in which I killed a fellow man. I was sad after I reached to my treehouse where Fluffy waited for me. I was pondering about the girl's faint scream in the room and why did the old man didn't do any attacks to Leeroy and when Leeroy laughed, why did the old felt sad about it and what is the Titan of Death.

All these questions circulated mind when I was on my bed. Fluffy sat on my lap and I slept.

AND I WAS ABRUPTLY WAKEN BY RICO! WHY! Yeah, Rico woke me up and said to me "Peter. Leeroy is sus." as if I don't know that matter. I was having a nice sleep.

Rico mentioned the girl screaming in the room. Leeroy came to my treehouse when I was speaking about the girl. We nothing asked him " What in the world are you doing here?". "Sorry, I'm going to ask the same question. WHAT IS RICO DOING IN YOUR ROOM?" he said. Rico said, "Just discussing."

Me and Rico said to Leeroy the discussion we had about the screaming girl. He said he was checking out with the girls. Rico asked, "For what reason." He said for the screaming girl.

I asked to Leeroy "Are you the Titan of death?" He said "No. How in the world I'll be that monster. If you think that I'm the monster, then why didn't I kill you guys or destroy the world."

"Man. that doesn't make sense" said Rico solemnly. Still, I'm suspicious of Leeroy. Lere came from the window and said "It is coming. It is coming!"

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