The Lost Man

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I heard crying noises from a long distance and then I found a man, next to a tree crying. I asked, "Why are you crying?". He said that his daughter was slaughtered and thrown into the pit of fire. He said it was a slaughter fest. More than 100 people were thrown into the pit of fire.

The old man said that this may happen to other girls who were captured as well. Syara was sad because she was with Calista, the night when I was talking about the screaming girl.

The man said that the head of the place was not taking care of this place instead he was hiding the horrors which happened there, and started blaming on harmless critters which did nothing. Some of the critters the head didn't like was the Fishron, Blazer, Arpenine Beast and The Leourx. He is the reason of bringing them in the category of blood critter, and it was all made up.

We said to Lere about it, and he said "Are you sure that you trust him because the head is the most truthful person in this place.

"Is the head a part of the slaughter fest?" I thought and asked the old man" What is a Slaughter fest and why was your daughter killed?", like an idiot. 

He answered, "All I want is money as we are poor. An old lady came and asked me to give my daughter and come to her home. I said "OK" and continued. She asked me to give her my daughter so that she could get trained. She made me to sit on a chair. She brought all other kids in front of me, and she took a big knife and slaughtered them all including my daughter. I lost all of my money because of that stupid old hag. Plese help me!"

I said OK and continued on with an old man following me. He introduced himself that his name is Xenium. He was a calm man, and all the critters hang around him.

Lere led us to a trail called The Trails of the Old, a trail built more than 10,000 years. This trail leads us to The house of the slaughter fest. It was a big bungalow and the place where Xenium's daughter was slaughtered.

The house was big, for sure Calista won't be there because it is abandoned, but my brain said to explore this ghost manifested house. The balcony was spooky and gloomy. I can add many adjectives which talk about scariness. Indeed, it was scary. The old man was sad and happy because this is the place where his daughter died, and this is the day he is getting revenge with that old creep.

We entered the door and hearing the creaking noise of the broken wood and we opened the door. All the interior was thrown, and bad smell came which was really gross. Suddenly the door closed behind us...

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