Chapter 5: I might fall in-love.

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Last night I spent my time thinking about the possibilities of me and Gavvy ended up being lovers, and now I found myself standing at a crossroads. For me, I had always been comfortable in the realm of silence, where my thoughts served as my sole companions. However, on this particular day, a surge of courage welled up within me, urging me to step out of my comfort zone. With trembling hands and a racing heart, I mustered the strength to confess his feelings to Gavvy.

Words tumbled out of my mouth in a rush, cascading like a waterfall breaking free from its restraints. Telling him how much I desperately want him and that I will do anything just to have him. The weight of my confession hung heavily in the air, as if time itself held its breath, waiting for Gavvy's response.

Gavvy, on the other hand, remained puzzled. His face betrayed no emotion, his thoughts hidden behind a veil of mystery. He neither accepted nor rejected my confession, leaving our relationship hanging in the balance. A silence stretched between us, a chasm filled with unspoken words and unsaid promises. It wasn't a rejection, and yet I clung to that glimmer of hope, seeing it as a silver lining in the cloud of uncertainty.

In the days that followed, our friendship still continued to blossom, seemingly unfazed by the recent confession and everything it felt like it was nothing. I found myself walking into a new phase of love, openly pursuing Gavvy's affections. It was a delicate dance, a tightrope walk between friendship and the potential for something deeper. Each interaction we had was laced with anticipation, as we navigated a situation that is unfamiliar to our evolving bond.

One day, amidst their playful banter and flirtatious exchanges, Gavvy broke the silence that had settled between us since my confession towards him. His words were casual, yet they carried a weight that made my heart flutter. "You know you can continue to flirt with me, who knows?. I might even find myself falling in love with you," he said, his voice a soft whisper in the stillness.

These words held a promise, a glimmer of hope that gives me something to believe that there could be an us in this narrative. For me it was an invitation to explore the depths of our connection, to see where the currents of their emotions would lead us. And so, I continued to sway my emotions into a dance of flirtations and confessions, our hearts entwined in a delicate balance.

Amidst the progress of the story of our evolving relationship, life carried on in its usual rhythm. Then while I was in my class, he sat across from me and it was as if we were classmates, and Gavvy and I had a usual interaction till he steered the conversation towards our future. It was a topic we had never talked about before, a discussion about our plans for senior high.

When it comes to sharing my enthusiasm I shared my passion for literature, mydesire to immerse myself in the world of words and creativity. I expressed my intention to choose the Art and Design Track for my senior year, hoping to delve deeper into my love for telling stories and writing novels.

While I was talking about my love for literature, I noticed Gavvy listened intently, his eyes telling me that my dreams will come true. We continued talking about our future, it felt as if we were building something together - a bridge between our present and that which will soon become our future, a promise of shared dreams and aspirations. This conversation marked the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, a step towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

The following days are like our usual day, but days turned into weeks, and me and Gavvy continued to navigate the labyrinth of our relationship. As if we were two souls intertwined by friendship and a love that was slowly but surely blossoming. Through confessions and flirtations, through shared dreams and hopes, we were building a bond that was stronger than anything we had ever known.

Later on I felt that our connection deepened, Gavvy and I found comfort in each other's presence. We spent countless hours talking about our favorites, whether it's books, exchanging recommendations, and discussing the intricacies of storytelling. Our conversations became a sanctuary, a safe space where we held secrets and authentic dialogues.

Then that same night I discovered that Gavvy had a hidden talent for writing poetry. It was midnight, when the world was cloaked in darkness, we would sit side by side, writing verses that captured their emotions and experiences. Our words flow on the pages like fallen leaves carried by the waves, we are twisted like the threads of a tapestry, weaving a story of love and longing.

Our friendship became a source of inspiration for my own writing. I poured my heart into my stories, infusing them with the essence of his connection that I had with Gavvy. Each word was a brushstroke on the canvas of our friendship, painting a vivid picture of our journey together.

As the end of their senior year was approaching, me and Gavvy found ourselves standing on the precipice of uncertainty. The future loomed before us, filled with endless possibilities and unknown challenges. But we faced it hand in hand, knowing that our bond would guide us through whatever challenges and struggles lay ahead. We made a promise to each other, a vow to always support and encourage one another in their pursuit of their dreams.

With this upcoming graduation, Gavvy and I stood side by side, their hearts filled with a bittersweet mix of excitement and nostalgia. As we reminisced about our journey from the first time we met, until from the moment I mustered the courage to confess my feelings to this very moment. We had come so far, and our connection had grown stronger with each passing day.

As Gavvy and I spent more time together, I couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his behavior. There was a warmth in his smile whenever our eyes met, and a gentle touch in the way he brushed against my hand. It was as if there was an invisible thread connecting us, pulling us closer together.

In the moments of silence, when we sat side by side, I caught him stealing glances at me, his gaze lingering just a little longer than usual. There was a certain tenderness in his eyes, a depth that spoke of something more than friendship. It was in those stolen moments that I began to sense the subtle shift in his feelings.

Gavvy's laughter, once bright and carefree, now held a hint of something deeper. His words, carefully chosen and connected with a hidden meaning, left me wondering if there was a hidden confession buried within. It was in those seemingly ordinary conversations that I started to feel a growing presence of love, slowly but surely enveloping us.

But Gavvy was cautious, just like me. He kept his emotions hidden, afraid that expressing them would jeopardize the bond we had formed. He cherished our friendship, or perhaps he feared that revealing his love might end badly. So maybe, he chose to show his affection in the most subtle ways, hoping that I would notice the growing affection he held for me.

Little by little I could feel the shift in his touch, the way his hand lingered when we brushed against each other. I could sense the longing in his voice, the unspoken words that hung in the air between us. It was in those quiet moments that I realized Gavvy's love for me was slowly, almost impossible to perceive, seeping into every corner of his being.

Though my confession really led me to think that I had no hopes for him, the connection between us made me realize that there is space in his love for us to be together. Our hearts danced to a silent rhythm. And as we continued on this journey together, I knew that Gavvy's love for me was growing, even if he himself might not fully realize it yet.

(To be continued…)

Gawin - (unofficial) editor
Clint - I freaking miss you, there's no amount of money that can replace my longing for your cuddles.

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