zero; backstory

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"Where did Tay go?" nine-year old Quinn asked.

"She went to New York for a small interview," Scott told his daughter.

"She didn't even say goodbye," Quinn said with a hint of sadness.

"She'll be back soon, buddy," Austin said, rubbing the girl's back.

"Mom, please don't tell her yet, it's gonna break her heart," Taylor pleaded.

"She keeps asking for you and it's been a month, we need to tell her," Andrea responded.

"Mom, she'll hate me,"

"She won't, honey, you'll come back and see her often, she'll be okay," Andrea reassured.

"Quinn, honey, sit down, we need to talk to you," Andrea said, pulling her daughter into her lap.

"Yes, mom?" she asks.

"We need to talk about Taylor," Scott said.

"Is she coming back?" Quinn asked, with excitement.

"No, honey, that's why we wanted to talk to you. You know how Taylor sings?"

Quinn nodded her head, still in confusion.

"Well, she's gonna be staying in New York, but she'll come visit us every month or so,"

Quinn's excitement turns into anger and frustration, her sister couldn't even tell her and made her parents tell her and on top of that, she left without saying goodbye.

"She doesn't need to ever come back!" Quinn cried, running out of the room.

"How'd she take it?" Taylor asked, biting her lip in anxiousness.

"She's still getting used to the idea of you not being here," Andrea said.

"So she didn't take it well, great," Taylor sighed.

"She just needs a minute," Andrea said, giving her daughter a reassuring smile.

"I hope so."

"Mom, it's been almost a year, you said Taylor would come back. She even missed my birthday, she promised she'd come!" Quinn exclaimed.

"She's just really busy, but she'll try to come in a month or so," Andrea said.

Quinn knew that phrase all too well, she would hear it every month. She wasn't stupid, she knew Taylor wasn't going to come, but she still held out hope for Taylor to prove her wrong.

"Yeah, sure," Quinn said, rolling her eyes.

"Taylor, you need to come home, we all miss you," Andrea pleaded.

"I will, mom, in a month, I have seven shows left," Taylor said.

"I know, honey, I'm proud of you, but please come home this time,"

"Taylor's coming! Taylor's coming!" Quinn yelled as she got out of bed.

After almost two years of only talking to Taylor for five minutes on a phone, she was finally coming home today, and she didn't back out. Quinn ran into the living room to see her parents and brother looking at her with an apologetic look and she understood.

"She's not coming, is she?" Quinn asked.

"I'm sorry, buddy, her label needs her to record a song. But she's coming next month," Austin said.

"Stop lying to me,"

"Why are you guys packing? Where are we going?" Quinn asked, walking into her parents room.

"Darling, I need to talk to you," Andrea said.


"We're going to visit Taylor, we're staying with her for two months," Andrea said.

"Finally!" Quinn exclaimed, with a huge smile.

"No, honey, me, Austin, and your father are going. You have school, remember, you're staying with Madison for two weeks. Then Austin will come back and you can stay with him," Andrea said, watching Quinn's smile fade away.

"Whatever, I bet Taylor would be happy. It's not like she likes to talk to me anyway," Quinn said, walking back to her room.

She knew at twelve she shouldn't be so upset but she couldn't help it. It's like Taylor didn't wanna see her and no one wanted her to see Taylor. Her family knew how much she missed Taylor and they didn't care.

"Hey, buddy, you stopped asking for Taylor, is everything okay?" Austin joked.

"Yeah, I've gotten over the fact she doesn't care about me," Quinn said, nonchalantly.

Hey, that's not true, she cares about you a lot," Austin defends Taylor.

"Then why does she never visit, why does she never text me? I texted her from my phone about a hundred times. She doesn't care enough to try to convince mom and dad to bring me. How does she care about me, Austin, enlighten me?" Quinn said, with too much attitude.

Austin looked down at his feet not know what to say to his sister. Everything she said was true and he truly didn't know why Taylor wouldn't respond or visit. Of course she was busy but could she not try to visit her sister once?

"Hey, Taylor's on the phone," Andrea tells her youngest daughter.

"Okay and?" Quinn said, looking up form her phone.

"Don't you want to talk to her? You used to be so excited to see her," Andrea said.

"I'm busy," Quinn said, getting up from the couch and walking to her room.

"Don't be like that, Quinn, she misses you, it's been two months you guys talked," Andrea said.

"Then ask her to come visit. Oh wait, she will next month, right? Wait no, she'll be too busy but she'll definitely visit the month after which in reality means never so tell Taylor to cut the crap and leave me alone!" Quinn yelled, sarcastically.

"Mom, I'm gonna go," Taylor whispered from the other end of the phone.

Before Andrea could speak, Taylor ended the call, and Andrea sighed. She looked at her daughter who seemed undisturbed by it all.

"Quinn, that wasn't nice! Taylor is really busy right now but she made time to talk to you," Andrea scolded.

"Of course, she made time to get rid of a nuisance for a month," Quinn exclaimed, tired of her mother.

"It's not like that, Quinn, she loves you a lot. She just has a lot going on right now," Andrea defends her oldest child.

"Yeah, I know, she's had a lot going on for nine years now," Quinn said, rolling her eyes.

"Cut her some crap, Quinn, you don't know how hard she's working! She's really stressed and is under a lot of pressure right now!" Andrea defends, again.

"Yeah I know, I hear it every time she needs a reason not to come visit. Tell her not to talk to me again, that one less thing to stress about,"

"I can't do this right now, I need to call Taylor to make sure she's okay," Andrea said, walking out of the girl's room.

"Of course you do," Quinn mumbled, rolling her eyes.

I hate Taylor Swift.

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