Chapter 22

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I walk up the stairs to my front door. Jayden was in the kitchen, cooking some grilled cheese. I walked inside and stood next to him.

"Naomi! Back so soon?" He said.

"I have to talk to you." I told him.

"Then talk." He smirked.

"You are so misunderstanding. First, you warn me about how I SHOULDN'T date him. Then, you actually try to ENCOURAGE Brice to ask me out and when he does, you FORBID it. And now, you give Brice your blessing out of the blue?! What the Hell is going on with Jayden?!" I snapped.

He looked at me. Couldn't believe that I snapped on him like this. I couldn't believe it either. Me. Naomi. Sweet little shy girl who doesn't say a word, totally snap on her twin brother.

Suddenly, Jayden started laughing. I turned red.

"What the hell is so funny?!" I yelled.

"It's just funny how your finally with the guy you want to be with and here you are. Standing in your own home, yelling at me." He laughing.

I walked towards and smacked the back of his head.

"Ow! What the heck Naomi?!" Jayden yelled.

"Serves you right. Now answer my question!" I demanded.

I could feel my nostrils flaring. 

"Why don't you just be happy that I let you be with him. Now don't make me have to be an ass and forbid your love again." He argued.

That's when I knew he was hiding something.

"Just tell me god damn it...!"

"I was jealous! There! Happy?!"

We stood there in silence.

Jayden? Jealous? Why would Jayden be Jealous?!

"Jealous? Of who? And why?" I interrogated.

Jayden stood there in silence. He looked nervous. My twin senses were acting up.

"I was jealous of Brice being with you. We always did stuff together. It was always me and you. And sometimes Audrey. But never another guy. I didn't want to lose you or have him hurt you." He blurted out loud.

That's why he didn't want me to be with Brice! Because he was Jealous.

"But what changed your mind?" I asked.

"Audrey and you finally made me realized about how selfish I was being. A heart like yours should be shared, not kept to myself. I mean, its big enough for everyone.So if you end up not spending as much time with me as I want you too, then it's okay. I won't be mad." He smiled.

I hit Jayden hard on the hit.

"OUCH!" He yelled

"Jayden, You also need to realize that no matter what I will always have time for you. Your my brother, you've been there for me all life. Even when I shut the world put, I kept you in. But I'm not your helpless twin sister anymore. I'm alot stronger than I used to be." I told him.

"I know. It's just I held on to you for so long, its hard to let go." He mumbled.

"No matter what, You'll still be there for me. I mean yeah, I'm finally growing up. But that doesn't mean I won't fall along way. That's when you'll be there to come and pick me back up." I said.

Jayden slowly moved down and sat on the floor of the kitchen. Leaning against the cabins, he started to sigh.

"I'm sorry Naomi. I just wanted what was best for you. But really, I was wanted what was best for me." He apologized. 

I sat down next to him.

"There's no need to apologized. I know you did it because you  care about me."

"Yea, but still. I shouldn't have done that to you. You didn't deserve it."

"Well, now I know that Brice really did care about me. If he didn't, he would've just gave up and you'd have nothing to worry about."

"Yea, I guess so. But it was mostly because I didn't want to loose you. At first, I thought it would've been great. That he could help you out of your shell. But then I started to realize that you guys would be hanging twenty-four/seven. And you'd forget about me." He explained.

That look. I knew that look. It was the same look he'd had when mom died, and dad. He was afraid of loosing me like we had lost Mom and Dad. Now it all makes sense because I know that feeling. It the feeling I had when I thought of Jayden leaving for college. Leaving me like Mom and Dad did.

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight.

"No matter what, you will always be able to talk to me. No matter what, I will always be able to make time for you. No matter what, I will always be there for you." The words poured out like eggnog, rich and sweet. Every word was as sacred as a vow. Actually, that's what it was. A vow. A vow to my brother that he will always be the number one man in my life and nothing can change that.
Hey Dreamers!

Sorry for the long delay. I was having such a hard time writing this chapter. But I hope you love it!!

Now today I have a challenge for you! Everyday for a week, I want you to go up to a random stranger and give them a compliment. It can be anything from "I love your shoes" to "your makeup is on point" to even just saying "I like your face!" I want you to just say something that can make someone's day. Because even just a little compliment can make anyone's day worth it.

Thanks Dreamers!
Don't forget to keep Dreamin'!

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