Chapter 7

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I heard them coming inside from their run. I stayed in my room and just started reading this book I was assigned to do in my language arts class. The book was called If I Stay. I started reading as Gorgi lied down in his baby cage.

After about 2 chapter of reading the book I put it down and started walking out of my room. 

I don't have anything to worry about. I've been able to say a whole sentence to him easily. I can at least say hi as I get some food. 

When I got to my living room I saw him. He was sitting on the couch with my brother. They were just chilling out watch a TV. The hallway ligths were off and I was far enough to where I could see him but he could barely see me.

I couldn't stop looking at him. His sparkling green eyes, his wavy but sweaty hair, that bright smile that makes my knees want to fall to the ground, and it's just everything about him makes me love him even more. 

Just do it. Just walk forward. It's okay. 

Right before I took a step out and  I overheard Jayden and Brice's conversation.

"Way. I'm going to ask her out the next time I see her." Brice told my brother.

Could he be talking about me?! 

"You should. She's an amazing girl and you guys would make a cute couple." Jayden said.

I didn't know if they were talking about me or what but all I knew was I wouldn't know until I stepped forward into the light. So I did. I started walking past Brice and Jayden. They both looked at me but I only focused on Brice. 

"Hey Naomi." Brice said looking at me and waving.

"Uh... Hi..." I stuttered and waved back at him.

When I got into the kitchen I slammed my hand into my forehead.

What the hell is wrong with me?! I was about to say to say a whole sentence to him without stuttering but now I can barely say a word to him. 

I went into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Root Beer. As I grabbed the Root Beer I could still hear their conversation.

"I can't wait to ask her out." Brice said,

"Especially since I know that she'll say yes."  Jayden bragged.

I think he is going to ask me out! 

"Perfect. I'll ask her out next time I see her." He cheered.

"Awesome bro!" Jayden congratuated.

"Well I got to go. I got to get home to help my mom around in the house." Brice said. 

"Alright. Later dude." Jayden waved.

Brice stood up and started walking out. He walked throught the kitchen and to the door. Before he walked out the front doors. He looked over to me. He smiled. Then, I smiled right back at him. He look so amazing. Everything about him just me makes me smile and I don't even know why. 

"It was great seeing you again Naomi. I hope to see you this afternoon." He said and left.

Oh my god! He's definitely going to ask me out! 

I walked back into my room. When I closed my bedroom door I couldn't help but to jump up and down with happiness. Brice, the boy who I like, is going to ask ME out, tomorrow in the afternoon. I jumped up and down while spinning.

I moved towards my bed. When I got near my bed I had already gotten so dizzly that I lost my balance and fell on top of my bed. But I didn't care because all I could think about was Brice asking ME out on an actual date. I felt like the happiest girl on earth.

 I grabbed my guitar started to play something. I started playing the song 'Just the Way you Are' by Bruno Mars. It's the song I never really played because I never felt like that way before. I started to sing the lyrics.

The words started pouring out of me like a river. I started to Gorgi wake up. He started dancing to the music as I played. I felt like nothing could go wrong. Especially since I can some what talk to people.


It was about 4 and Audrey had gotten here about an hour earlier. Of course I stayed in my room and did some homework I had to do. As I was working I overheard Jayden and Audrey from outside my bedroom door.

"A group date?" Audrey wondered.

"Yeah, a group date! Brice is going to ask out a very special girl and he want his doesn't want to look like a fool infront of her." Jayden explained.

"Oh!.... Who's the girl?" Audrey asked.

"I've been sworn to secrecy. But trust me, you'll be totally surprised when you find out who it is." Jayden told her.

Holy crap! It's definitely me. Of course Audrey would be totally surprised to know I'm the girl he's going to ask out! 

My cheeks started to get hot. I was totally blushing and smiling extremely idiotically. 

I walked out to grab some food. As I walked out I saw Audrey. She was perfect as usual. Her hair was in a perfect fish tail. She had on a short, sleeveless, denim dress with a small white belt around her waist. She was wearing some pink eye shadow and rose red lipstick.Like I said, perfect.

Audrey turned to look at me. She started smiling and I smiled back.

"Hi Naomi. How are you?" She greeted.

"Good." I whispered giving her a thumbs up.

She looked at me as if there were a serial killer slowly and silenty lurking up behind me with a knife, ready to kill me. 

"Did she just talk to me?" She asked Jayden but she was still looking at me.

"Yeah. But I think you're making uncomfortable now." Jayden told her.

"Oh! Sorry Naomi! It's just, I've been dating your brother for 3 years now and you have never even whispered a single word to me ever until now." Audrey explained. 

"I.... Uh... I'm trying to.... Uh..." I stuttered.

I didn't what to say. It's true. I've never said a single word to Audrey until now. But now I feel really bad. She really a kind person and I've always wanted to talk to her but with my antisocial problem It's been extremely hard to do so. 

"Woah there Naomi. Don't hurt yourself." She said giggling.

I nodded and just stood there awkwardly in silence.

I heard a car drive into the drive way.

Oh my god! It's Brice! 

I heard him hop out of the car. I couldn't believe it was finally time for to ask me the question I have been dying to hear from him. I heard his footsteps as he walk up the porch and knocked on the door.

I walked past the kitchen and to the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

There he was.

It was Brice.

But standing right next him was a girl. 

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