Chapter 10

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After basically making out with with him, Brice and I ended up going into the living room to watch a movie. I had made popcorn and we laid on the couch watching The Breakfast Club.

As we were watching Brice put his arm around me I leaned closer into him.

"Hey Naomi, could I ask something?" He asked.

I looked at him and nodded.

"Well, there's a big football game tomorrow and I wanted to know if you would like to cheer your boyfriend on?" He asked.

I kind of froze in place.

ME!..... at a football game.... With A LOT of people. How can I do that without having a panic attack and going into a coma or something?!

"Um.... I'm.... Uh.... not really sure about that." I honestly told him.

"Please baby! I can have you sit in a reserved bench with Audrey." He recommend.

Baby? I like the sound of that!

"Reserved bench?" I wondered.

"Yeah, Jayden and I are buddies with the school football coach so he set's us up with reserved benches for, at the most, two people for each of us." Brice explained.

I started to smile.

Brice is inviting me to HIS football game!

"I'm still not sure about this. What if people start talking to me. I'll probably have an anxiety attack which will lead into a panic attack and then, BOMB! I'm past out on the floor." I told him.

"Don't worry abput that. Me and your brother will make sure person there lays off of you." He joked smashing his fist into the paw of his hand then bringing it back around my shoulder.

"Okay, I'll go if I can get all my schoolwork done in time." I told him.

He smile at me with those perfectly white teeth.

"Good." He said.

He reached out his arm and place my hair behind my ears. We both started smiling at each other. His hand went from being where my ear was to being on the back of my neck. He then started stroking my hair. Going from the roots to ends of my hair. I laid my head onto his muscular chest. I closed my eyes.

I didn't what was going on with me. I didn't feel depressed or anything like I normally do. I felt completely different. Like this other side of me has freed itself. I actually for once felt safe to say what I wanted.


I woke up to a pillow thrown in my face. I moved it off and Brice started to moan.

"Really dude?!" Brice moaned.

I looked over and saw Jayden standing right there next to the couch. He looked absolutely furious. Like he wanted to kill somebody. And I think he really did want to kill somebody. He marched over to us while we were lying on the couch. He instantly pulled Brice off of the couch and to his feet. Jayden's hand were seriously shaking and his face was fully perfect tomato red.

"What the hell do think you're god damn doing with my sister?!" He yelled shaking Brice.

"I thought you say it was okay for me to go out with her?" He asked.

"Yeah because I never thought you would be able to date ecause she so shy." He yelled.

"What?" I said.

Jayden looked at me and let Brice go. He had a face went pale.

"Naomi, I didn't mean it....." He said but I had interupted him.

"NO! I know exactly what you meant! I'm shy and I'll always be that and you know it. You just didn't want to believe even though I knew the truth all along!" I screamed.

Jayden just stood there in shock. I have never raised my voice like that before. I guess my brother thought I never could right it like that. I guess he also thought I was just a shy, frail girl. 

"Naomi, are you okay?" Brice asked walking toawrds me.

"You stay awayfrom my sister!" Jayden yelled while grabbing Brcie.

"Leave him alone!" I screamed and grabbed Jayden's shoulder.

Jayden swung his hand and smacked me across the face so hard that fell to the ground. I tasted blood. I put my to my side of my mouth and then looked at my hand. there was blood on my hand. I looked at Jayden. His detailed tremendously and his whole body went pale. As if he was part of the dead.

I instantly got up and started running out the door. I ran toward the trail and didn't stop. I could here Jayden screaming my name. 

"Naomi! I didn't mean to...."  He was screaming but I was so far away from him that it sounded faint.

I kept running until I was out of breathe. When I was out of breathe I walked behind a tree incase they started walking down here and I sat by some bushes. 

I couldn't believe he actually did that to me! Jayden had never hit me or did anything to hurt me before. And when I mean never, I mean NEVER. Why is being with Brice SO BAD that Jayden just had to go on and hit me across the face?! Especially hard enough that it made the side of my mouth start to bleed! 

But that's not what was really bugging me. What really was bugging was what Jayden yelled to Brice.

"Yeah because I never thought you would be able to date ecause she so shy." I remembered perfectly in my head.

Now I know the truth. Not even my brother believes I will get over my shyness. I'm just a sad, frail little shy girl who has no hope in this world. That I have to no hope 

"Yeah because I never thought you would be able to date ecause she so shy." His voice had kept repeating perefectly in my head. 

I didnt what to do. I did want to go back but I knewI would survive out here. Maybe I should just end my life. I have nothing to live for anyways.

Yes, that's what I'll do. I have nothing to live for anyways so what the point of living. I'm just going to spend the rest of my life locked up in my room and where I'll jut be wasting my live. So why wasted it when I could just end it.

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