Chapter 5

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Brice still hasn't replied. But I think he will reply soon because I know that around this time time is when his school get's out. I went to go walk Gorgi with the rope I found.

We walked around the side of the road and as we were walking I saw a truck coming my way. The truck was a red chevy. It got closer and closer.

Suddenly Gorgi started to run right infont of the car. I tried to pull him back with the rope I tied around him but the rope slipped right out of my hands.

"Gorgi!" I screamed out loud to him. 

 I ran to grabbed him. Right then the truck was only feets away from me. The driver slammed on the brakes and I wrapped Gorgi around him and rolled up into a ball like an armadillo.

All I could hear was the peeling if the truck. Then there was a moment of silence. I could feel my body trembling. Was I dead? 

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" I heard a guys voice yellign out to me.

I unwrapped my myself from Gorgi and looked behind myself. Right there, a millimeter away from my nose was the truck. If that was any closer I would've been road-kill. I turned to my right to see the guy who was kept askign me if I was alright.

It was him.

It was Brice.

 "Are you okay?" I asked reaching his hand out to me. 

I was in so much terror. I was almost killed by the guy I like now I have to talk to him or he'll think that I need to go to the emergency room or something where I'll have to talk to even more people.

My heart began to beat faster, palms got sweatier, and my breathing began heavier. I had so much anxiety that my body broke down and I instantly fainted. 


I woke up on the couch. It looked as if nobody was home. But where was Gorgi? I looked around the room.

 What that all a dream? 

I sat up. I instantly began to feel a horrible headache. I moaned and put my hand against my forehead. I then heard a guys voice but it didn't sound like Jayden's voice. I turned and saw it was Brice. 

It wasn't a dream!!! 

"Oh there Naomi. lie back down. You need to relax." he said gently pushing me back down on the couch. 

He walked back into the kitchen. When he came back he had a wet rag in his hand. 

"Here. I soaked this in cold water and wrapped it in ice cubes. It's to help your head." He explained and placed over my forehead. 

"Your brother has detention so he told me to come let you know because I was the only other person at school who knew where he lived. Other than Audry because she  is home, sick.

he was sitting next to my side as he laid the rag on my forehead. I saw that he began to feel my legs. He grasp down my leg. When I moved my leg away I saw he began the blush liek crazy.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for it to look like I was doing that. I was checking to see if anything there was any pain anywhere to see if it was anything serious." He explained.

I laid my leg back down where if was before and he began to feel and grasp my leg again. I felt some pain on my knee and on some parts of my thigh and I knew that he saw where the pain was just by looking at my face reaction to it. 

"Do you want me to help you go to your room so you change out of these dirty clothes?" He asked.

I didn't know what to say or do. I began to mumble and  stutter out some gibberish word to him.

"Okay. I'll take that as a yes." He said. 

I instantly went red.

He helped my stand up, off the couch. My knees were in so much pain that I began to tremble. 

"Woah there. Let me help you but don't feel embarrassed by what I'm about to do." He said. 

Then he picked me up off the ground. I grasp from being surpirsed. I had no idea what he meant by But feel embarrassed by what I'm about to do until he actually did it. I felt like those girl in the movies where the guy lifts them off the ground and carries them to safety. 

When he got to my room he opened the door and carried me to the bed. I saw that Gorgi was sound asleep in the baby cage.

"Let me get your clothes for you to change in." He said.

He laid me on the bed and walked to my dresser. He pointed to the top drawer.

"Is this where you keep your pants?" He asked

I shook my head. He went one down and asked the same thing. I nodded and he opened it up and took out a pair black sweatpants. I guess he saw that that's also where I keep my tank tops because he took grey tank top. I handed me my clothes. He then walked to my desk and grabbed a pen. 

"Here, throw this at the door to I know you're dressed." He explained handing me the pen.

I grabbed the clothes and got dressed. When I was dressed I threw the pen at the door. I heard Brice's foot steps as he gt closer and closer to the door. Finally, he opened the door and walked in. As he walked in he picked up the pen and placed it on the desk. He walked up to me and sat next to my long, curled up legs. 

"Do you want me to take you back out to living room?" He asked.

I want to to tell him yes so badly. I wanted to just be like, Yes! Please just carry me to my couch. Let me feel your biceps as they wrap around me. Let me lay my head on your shoulder as you walk into the living room. But no, I felt too shy and anxious to even just nod my head. So I shook my head and crowled up into a little ball. 

"Hey, it's okay Naomi. And just to let you know, I really do think your piano playing is truly absolutely amazing. I felt like I was being hipnotized or something and I just followed it. Then I saw you and was just starstrucked. I think you can be a really incredile musician or even a really unbelievably amazing singer, if you can sing." He told me. 

He started to walk out.

"No, I can't." I said him as he was about to open the door. 

I covered my mouth. Oh my god! I actually said something to him.  He turned around and looked at me.

"So you can talk?" He said sarcastically.

"What do you mean No, I can't?" He asked walking closer to me.

"How can I be a musician if I can't even talk to people?" I whispered to him.

I guess I was loud enough for him to hear me becaseu he heard every word crystal clear.

"Well, you're talking to me." He pointed out. 

Just then I saw my door open and Jayden was right there.

"What the hell are you doing Brice?! I just told you to say hello and tell Naomi that I had detention and I might a little late getting back home." He said angridly to Brice.

"I did... Kind of..." Brice said then told him the whole story of the car incident and he brought me here and helped me. 

"Oh, Sorry dude. I thought your were just trying to be all flirty with her." Jayden apologized.

"Okay well I better get going before i'm late for dinner." Brice said.

"Okay. I'll lead you out." Jayde recommended.

"Bye Naomi." Brice said wavin good-bye to me.

I waved back and we both smiled at each other. I couldn't believe this. I actually talked to somebody. More importantly. I actually talked to Brice.

The Shy Girl and the JockDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora