Chalter 10--> The Rouges

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Paige's POV
It's been three days since the pack found out about me, and let me tell you, it sucks!

I have a guard in every second of my life. They are always there watching, as if I was about to die at any givin second. Dustin's says there has been some sighting of rouges at the border, but none have come across. No mysterious humans in out territory either.

Something is up and I need to find out what.

Me and Jenna decided to take a walk after being cooped up all day long. Troy and Bennett were our guards and decided it was safe enough to. It's not like they had any say in it, but it made Leo and Dustin happy. Those two are doing a lot of pack stuff lately which has gotten me and Jenna suspicious.

We kept on walking and then me and Jen had an idea. We decided that we were gonna be prank masters today. We mind linked each other personally, which apparently I can do now since I am a White Wolf, and made our plans to get Troy and Bennett.

"Hey guys, I bet me and Jenna can beat you both in a race." The guys looked at us as if we were kidding.

"Ya whatever. We are the fastest warriors in the pack. There is no way you could beat us!" Troy said laughing with Bennett. Jenna scoffed and I did the same.

"Prove it then!" I said as they shook there heads but got in a running stance. We both chuckled and did the same as I smiled to Jen.

"Ready... Set... Go!" Jen said as we both shifted and the guys yelled 'unfair' and 'cheating' at us as we ran. My wolf was faster than Jenna's, but I stayed by her side so our plan would work.

We finally got back to the pack house and shifted, putting on the clothes we had set out earlier and went to the shed in the back. Jen dragged out the hose as I grabbed the slip and slide. I laid it out right next to the pool as she sprayed it down. We saw the guys, still in human form, came running as fast as they could.

Before they saw the slip and slide, Jen sprayed their faces and they kept sprinting blindly forward, hitting the slip and slide, going straight into the pool. Both of them came up coughing out water as we fell to the ground laughing.

The guys just shook their heads and waded out of the pool. Then they both smirked walking towards us.

"Hey, why don't you guys give us a biiiggg hug!" Troy and Bennett said engulfing us in a huge hug, soaking us from their wet clothes. We screamed/laughed as we pushed them both into the pool again. Everyone was laughing now until someone cleared their throats.

Me and Jen swerved around to see Dustin an d Leo crossing their arms, giving us the 'you are so immature' looks. Troy and Bennett both got out again and made their way to the guys.

Right before they were about to hug them, Carlos came bursting out the back door, panting like a maniac.

"Carlos, what the hell are you doing." Dustin yelled as Carlos caught his breath.

"Rouges." He muttered. That sent Dustin into overdrive as me and Jen were shuffled into the house. Dustin got all the info he could out of Carlos as Leo mind linked the entire pack. All I heard from Carlos is that there are at least 75 rouges standing at our border, asking to have audience with the alpha... And me.

"Dustin, let me go! I am not some porcelain doll that needs to be kept on a shelf!" I yelled at him. We argued about wether or not I should go and I wasn't letting him win this time

"No! It's to dangerous! I don't wanna lose you." He said walking out the door with me following.

"Please let me go. I will stay by your side the entire time!" I pleaded. He finally sighed and nodded and ran in human form to the clearing of the border. They must've counted wrong because this looks well over 100 rouges.

One stepped forward as we entered the clearing, probably the alpha. He looked old, probably around his late 30's early 40's. He stepped as close as possible and grinned, showing his disgusting yellow teeth. I cringed at them and held onto Dustin's arm.

"What are you doing near my territory, rouge?" He asked sternly. The rouge snickered.

"My name is Alec Daniel, leader of the rouges you see before you. I am here to negotiate a bargain for some women for my new pack. We will treat them well and have them raise many well breeder pups." Alec said, looking right at me. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"I do not negotiate with rouges, so I will ask this only once, leave now or be attacked!" Dustin said angrily. Once again Alec snickered.

"You know you can't touch me when I haven't crossed your border. My bargain stands till midnight tonight.
If you do not accept, prepare for war." He said with a smug smile on his rotten face. I couldn't hold back a laugh. Everyone looked at me as if I was a deranged lunatic and I kept laughing.

"You're kidding right? Your willing to go to war for some women? Excuse my laughter, but that has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!" I said smirking at him. He scowled and glared at me.

"You should watch your mouth, little she-wolf!" He said as some of my pack members growled. Dustin tensed and was about to speak, but I beat him to it.

"Little? Little?! I am 5'11 and could probably kick your ass! Don't you dare call me little! And you will never get any women!" I yelled in my alpha voice. All the rouges and my pack members cowered as well as Alec. Even Dustin lowered his head in submission.

My eyes widened at my outburst and Dustin squeezed me closer. Alec finally shook off my commanding voice and sneered, showing me his disgusting yellow teeth.

"Interesting... Very interesting." He said still sneering at me.

"Like I said, my offer stands till midnight tonight and do not test my power Dustin. Remember when your father crossed me? The same will happen to you." He said backing up into the darkness of the trees. A chill ran down my spine as all of the rouges shifted and ran off.

I knew something was up.

-Hey peoples! Sorry the chapter is short, but how's life treating you guys? My life is pretty good btw. Won another championship in ASA softball, so yeah!
Anyways... I have the rest of the book planned out pretty much, maybe a few plot twists here and there, but I have big news! I am going to make a sequel to this book! Hold the applause ;)... But that was mainly the big thing so stay beautiful my lovely fans!-


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