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Ch. 29: Suspicion

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"Your grandfather asked if I would mind assisting you with the securities law aspects of the transaction."

My eyes narrow. "What securities law aspects?"

He makes a vague gesture. "You know. Foreign investors, that sort of thing."

"Who told you there was a foreign investor?"

"Didn't he mention that in the attorneys meeting last week?" He frowns slightly. "Or maybe it was when he and I spoke privately afterward."

"He didn't say anything about this to me."

"Well, it's not really a big deal."

"It's a big deal to me when I come into the office on a Sunday and find you rifling through my desk. How did you get in here anyway?" As I say this I'm suddenly aware that Dylan and I are the only people on this entire floor. Instinctively I want to take a step back, but I force myself to hold my ground.

"What do you mean? The door was open. The folder was sitting on your desk."

"The folder was in my locked credenza with the rest of my pending files. And I locked the door to my office on Friday before I left."

Did I? Now I'm trying to remember.

He shrugs. "It was open today. Maybe the cleaning staff forgot to re-lock it."

Maybe. I did rush out Friday afternoon without returning to my office, after I spoke with my grandfather's assistant. But Martina would have locked it, wouldn't she? Especially after we had that conversation already about Dylan snooping around.

"I know I did not leave that file just sitting on my desk."

Dylan shrugs again. "Well, it was there. What's the big deal anyway about another lawyer in the firm reviewing your file? It's still all attorney-client privileged, so it's not like the information is in the hands of a third party."

"The big deal is that if you want to look at one of my files, you should ask. Not sneak in here like a thief when the office is empty."

He gives me a sly smile. "I thought you liked criminals."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He's obviously referring to Max.

"I just meant you're a criminal lawyer, so . . . It was joke, Hadley," he says, when I continue to give him a hard stare. "Lighten up, for God's sake."

"You still haven't explained why you just waltzed in here and made yourself at home."

"I had a little extra time today, and I'm going be out of town on a deal most of this week. So I just stopped by on the off-chance I could find the file."

"You could have texted me."

"You know, I don't think I have your cell phone number."

"There's a firm directory."

"Is there? Well, I'm just a new employee. That's good to know."

He gives me his version of a winning smile. "So, since we're both here, do you want to go over the deal together?"

"No, I do not want to go over the deal together. I came in here to get some work done, and I'd appreciate it if you'd get out of my office so I can do just that."

He gets up, taking his time about it, and I stare pointedly until he closes the file and drops it back on my desk.

"You know, Hadley," he says as he brushes past me and out the door. "It doesn't have to be this difficult between us. If you gave me a chance you find out I can be a pretty nice guy."

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