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                         NATIONAL ANTHEM

Jade walked into the arena, there to watch the boys game, Emma tagging along with her.

" He literally took care of you all night",

" Yea? He would do it for any of us, you're reading to far into it", The blonde said as they sat down.

Emma looked over at her, " He would do fuck all for anyone else. Why can't you just realize he's into you?",

" Because", Jade started as Jack skated by, winking and smiling at the girl. " It's Jack",

" Yeah and Jack just winked at you", Emma said, " Wake up!! He's into you and you're so into him".

Jade rolled her eyes, " Ok but you're into my brother. Don't even try and lie to me by denying it".

The blonde watched as her best friend's face went red, Emma shrugging at her. " Don't know what you're talking about".

" Mhm, sure", Jade teased her.

Jade genuinely didn't mind about anything that went on with Trevor and Emma, if anything was. Jade was the type of person to believe that you can't control feelings, and how people act towards them.

Emma knew this, but she was just hesitant about it. She told Trevor that, and he understood. They both didn't want to make Jade and Emma's relationship weird.

The two girls watched the game, not wanting to wait for them all down by the change room. " I have Trevor's keys, we can just sit in the car".

Emma followed her out to the car, both of them getting into the backseat as Jade turned the car on so it would heat up.

" Are we doing a costume together for Halloween?", the brunette asked as they got comfortable.

" Duh", Jade smiled, " I didn't even realize that it's in almost two weeks, that's so soon".

" I know, apparently Cole is having a party. So you can hangout with Jack!!",

Jade rolled her eyes, " No, I'll hangout with you. Jack has his own friends".

" What're you talking about?", Trevor asked as he opened the trunk to put his bag inside.

" How Jade and Jack are gonna hangout at the Halloween party coming up, like they do at every single party", Emma said.

Jade eyed her, Trevor getting into the front seat. Emma's eyes went a little wide, forgetting that her best friend didn't even want to mention the boy to her brother.

" What? Are you with Jack?", Trevor said quickly and turned around in his seat.

" No! We're just friends".

Trevor squinted his eyes, " Yeah, sure. He's my best friend, Jade. I feel uncomfortable".

Jade scoffed, " Emma is my best friend. I feel uncomfortable".

The two girls sat in the back on the way back to the Zegras house, neither of them being bothered to move to the front seat.

It was a bit of an awkward car ride, Jade being able to tell that Trevor was a bit annoyed about Emma's comment. Jade wasn't mad at her, she just wished it was said a bit differently.

After everyone made it inside, Trevor just went directly up to his room. Jade sighed, sitting at the kitchen counter and eating some of the berries her mom left out before she left for work.

" I'm sorry, Jade. I shouldn't have said anything about Jack at all", Emma said quietly.

Jade shrugged, " It's fine. Me and Jack aren't a thing or dating anyway, so Trevor can't be mad".

" I'll talk to him, I'll be back", Emma said as she quickly went upstairs.

Emma knocked on the boys door, Trevor opening it after a few seconds.

" What's up?", he said as he walked back to his desk to sit down.

" I didn't mean what I said about Jack and Jade like that", Emma started, " It came out the wrong way. But I don't want you to be mad at either of them because I said that".

Trevor shrugged, " What did you mean then? Cause I sorta noticed that Rowdy has a liking to my sister".

" Really? I haven't noticed that".

" I have, but I haven't said anything. I feel like they do talk a lot, she doesn't talk to Cole or Alex as much. Has she said anything to you?", he asked.

Emma shook her head, " No, not at all. Would you be mad at Jack, if something actually happened with them?".

" I don't know", he sighed, " Not really. Jack is a really nice guy, kinda a hoe, but he's really nice. It would definitely take some getting used to".

" Makes sense", Emma smiled, " But I just wanted to let you know that I didn't mean anything by it. So, don't be mad at Jade".


emma knows what's up

national anthem, j.hughes Where stories live. Discover now