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Jack sat in his last period, desperately waiting for the bell to go. It was the last day of classes before spring break, and everyone in the class was watching the clock.

" You seem excited", Cole questioned.

He shrugged, " Spring break",

" Not like we can go anywhere. We still have practice almost everyday",

" Yeah", Jack nodded, " Still, no school",

Jack couldn't wait for a week and a half off school. He hated class. Even though he was smart, he knew he was gonna do something with hockey, so he didn't even see a point in attending his classes.

" Isn't it crazy, almost being seniors?", Cole asked

" I don't even want to think about", he laughed, " No clue what I'm gonna do once I don't have to go to school everyday",

Cole scoffed, " You're gonna get drafted first pick, that's what you're gonna do!",

Jack pushed him lightly as they walked to their lockers.

It was crazy how in just over a year, most of the guys on the USA team would be waiting for their names to be called in the draft.

But for Jack, Jade would still be here. In school, while he was wherever he gets drafted to. It made him nervous, since they hadn't really talked about it.

Ever since new years, the two have been together almost everyday. They weren't officially dating, but everyone knew that they were unavailable to other people.

" Can you drive me home? Trevor didn't tell me he was skipping last", Jade said as she quickly met his side in the hall.

He nodded, " Sure. I'll come to your locker in a sec",

Jade nodded and continued heading to where her locker was. Jack rushed, not wanting to keep her waiting.

" Trevor seems to do this often", Jack eyed her, " You sure that you don't just want to ride home with me everyday, even when he's here?",

The blonde scoffed, " Sure, J. Whatever you think",

Jack had a huge smile on his face, the two heading toward his car in the parking lot.

While Jack was worried about how they would be once he got drafted, Jade was too. She knew that he was thinking about it, but he would've never thought it crossed her mind.

Having a brother in hockey gives her an idea of what it'll be like after the draft. Not only with Jack, but also with her brother.

It probably made her even more nervous than them, since her life would be completely different without seeing them everyday.

But for now, Jack and Jade ignored it, and decided to just be as happy as they can be.

They wanted to make the most of it while they could, before it all changed forever.



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