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Jade followed Jack down his driveway, the two walking to the ice cream place near his house.

" I'm so glad exams are done, summer is gonna be awesome",

She nodded, " Me too",

Jack could tell something was bugging the girl, since she was more quiet than her usual self, which is her constantly talking in his ear.

" You okay?", he asked as they walked side by side on the side walk.

" Yeah, why?",

He shrugged, " You're being really quiet. You're sure you're okay?",

" Just sucks that I'm not really gonna be here this summer",

Jades family was going to Florida for basically the whole month of July, since they had family there.

" We have all of June, J. Don't worry, plus it's gonna be awesome going to Florida", Jack said as he tried to lighten her mood a bit.

" This is our last summer before you leave though", Jade said, " And I'm not even gonna be here for half of it",

Jack sighed as he lightly grabbed the girls hand, pressing a soft kiss to her palm.

" J, we're gonna spend every summer together. For the rest of our lives, don't stress about this",

Jade looked over at him, " You don't know what it's gonna be like once you leave, Jack",

" I won't go then. I'll stay here with you", he shrugged.

" Jack! Don't be ridiculous", she laughed a bit

He smiled, " At least it made you laugh",

Jade smiled, " You're right. We have all month",

" Exactly",

" So basically you're prepared to spend every single day with me until I leave?", she questioned

He opened the door and walked in behind her,                    " Obviously, wouldn't wanna hangout with anyone else",


they're so.....

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