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  Jade sat at her desk, where she had been sitting for the last 5 hours.

She had a big test coming up, that was worth half of her final grade.

Jade obsessed over her marks, since she grew up at the non athletic child, she wanted to have something else to be praised for.

Even though she wasn't sure what she wanted to do yet, she still knew that getting good grades was important to her.

The girl groaned at the sound of her phone continuously buzzing, as it sat on her bed a few feet away from her.

" What?", she said in an annoyed tone.

" Woah, someone is in a bad mood", Jack joked as his face filled the screen.

Jade smiled a bit, the boy obviously standing in his kitchen as he ate a bowl of cereal.

" Sorry, I've just been busy studying. What's up?",

" Nothing, I usually call you at this time every night", Jack shrugged.

She sat back at her desk, " Oh, well. Don't you have test to study for? I thought you had one coming up",

" I already did", he said, " Plus, most of my hard classes were last semester",

Jade nodded, deciding to put all of her school work away for the night.

" Wanna go for a drive",

" I can't, J", she chuckled, " You know my parents won't let me, it's already midnight",

He groaned, " Right. Well, rest up. Big day tomorrow",

Jade smiled, knowing she wasn't gonna be able to sleep tonight.

Jack had asked her to junior prom a couple weeks ago, so she was extremely excited.

" I can't wait", she beamed, " I'm a little nervous though",

" Why's that?",

She shrugged, " I am a year younger than you. I feel like I'm intruding or something",

" You're not", he scoffed, " Most of the girls in my grade love you. Plus, Emma is going with Trev",

Jade nodded, " Yeah, I guess",

" I'll be there tomorrow at 5", he confirmed, " Emma is coming over right? Cause of pictures and stuff?",

" Yeah, then we were all gonna go to Alex's to do group photos or something",

Jack nodded, " Alright. Well, see you J",

" Bye, Jack",

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