Chapter 15: Night Winds

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The cool night air blew softly into Sei's face, a bowl of tteokboki placed infront of him, along with a bottle of soju. The shop that Suzy had brought him to was tucked in the little corners of Seoul, hidden from the prying eyes of the world, nevertheless, they wore masks and caps just to make sure.

"What's tteokboki without a lil' soju, hm?" A michievous glint shined in Suzy's eyes, opening up her bottle of soju. "How good's your tolerance, Sei-ah?"

"Hmm... well I outdrank my members, so I guess that's something?" He replied, causing Suzy to sweat drop at how nonchalant it was.

Sei sat across from Suzy, savoring the spicy tteokbokki, drinking a little bit of soju along with it. The warm glow of the streetlights cast a soft ambiance around them, adding to the comfort of the evening.

"My, my, youngsters these days..." The old grandma manning the shop appeared out of nowhere, shocking Sei and Suzy "That's not how you treat your girlfriend, boy!"

"A-ah, halmeoni!" Sei sputtered out, clearly flustered, Suzy meanwhile trying her best to contain her laughter. "I-It's not like that, we're just co-workers!"

A curious glint flashed in the old lady's eyes. "Oh? A shame... you should make your move then, boy. A woman like her doesn't come around everyday, you know!"

With that, she returned to the back of the store, leaving behind a very flustered Sei, and Suzy who was dying of laughter, tears from laughing flowing down her eyes.

"It's not funny, noona." Sei grumbled, continuing to eat his tteokbokki.

"M-mianhee.... hahahhahaahahaha."


Their little after film dinner continued for awhile, sharing conversations and getting to know the other better.

"You know..." Suzy began, having finished her portion already "You shocked me with your acting earlier, it was amazing. Even Ha-young-ssi asked me if you were really a rookie."

"Jinjja? Haa... I'm glad it turned out well." Sei breathed out a sigh relief, taking another gulp from his bottle of soju. "I thought I did ok..."

"Ok? Your performance earlier was more than ok." Suzy stated "I even wondered if you were a prodigy or something."

Sei flushed under her praise. "Gomawo, noona..."

"It's just, I feel alot of pressure from this." He continued "I'm playing a major role, and with you as my co-star as well, alot of people are expecting the best from me... I also don't wanna let my company down, they're already doing everything they can to help out."

At this, Suzy's face softened, she knew firsthand how critical netizens can be, especially if it doesn't meet their standards, and, Sei who was newly debuted idol, suddenly turned actor, became perfect prey. "Your doing fine... The important thing is, you don't crumble under the pressure. Lots of people will talk and say things, but what matters the most are those that support you wholeheartedly. I'm sure everyone in your company is already proud of you."

"Gomawo, noona." A genuine and heartfelt smile bloomed on Sei's face, striking Suzy's heart.

Ahck, that should be illegal, she thought to herself.

"I am curious though..." Suzy leaned forward, her eyes brimming with curiosity. "How did you get it all down so well...?"

"Oh..." Sei looked at her, and replied in the most simplest way possible. "I just winged it."


"It's true, noona." He replied "I got motivated and well, just went with flow."

Suzy facepalmed, an exasperated look appearing on her face. "Aigoo, this boy..."

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