Chapter 6

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- Three weeks later -

"Your trainer says you're doing amazing" Mr. Robinson says as we sit in meeting. "But we need to get you ready as soon as possible. School is an only a few weeks and we still need you to be able to get on Percy. The school's main purpose is to get our next generation of champions ready, to the press, you can't be seen as the champion who can't even ride their own horse let alone get on him."

" what's your idea?"

"quicken training. Starting today we'll have you with Percy any spare moment you have."


As the days progressed, so did her and Percy's training.

By now, we were able to walk up to him without him freaking out when seeing me. But the problem was me getting on him.

He'd be fine when the tacking part came, let me walk him by a lead rope, but refused to let me on.

I was sitting outside of his stall when Aren walks up, putting his horse King (short for Kingston), into his stall.

"Thinking of giving up?" He asks.

"Not yet"I say.

He laughs, "I saw him run when you tried to mount."

I nod.

He pulls out a sugar cube, "try this. Just don't get on, only lean your weight over him. Take it slow."

"Mr. Robinson seems to hate slow"I say.

"Just go with it"Aren says walking away.

Sighing I open Percy's door.

"Hey buddy"I say, taking one step towards him. "Hungry?"

He blinks his wide dark eyes at me as if he's listening.

I hold out the sugar cube, he doesn't move for a second, then takes a small step forward sniffing it. Then he sticks his tongue out to lick it, then slowly grabbing it whole.

I smile to myself, then walking to his side as I lay my arms on him and lean against him. He stiffens a bit but doesn't freak out.


"Have a good day?"my aunt asks when she sees me smiling as I walk in. I nod, "Percy's getting better."

She nods, "me and Mr. Robinson were talking, he said since you are new to the school he's arranged a small tour tomorrow."


"So as soon as you wake up we'll be eating breakfast, then getting in the jet to fly to the school. We'll be back before dinner."


"Here you are Lauren"Lilian sets out an outfit on the counter as I prepare to shower. "Is there anything else you need before I leave?"

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