Chapter 24

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- Next week -

"Did you know that the school was originally build from a castle?"The teacher asks as we sit for history class. She uses her computer to put a picture of a grey castle on the board.

(The picture on the original school)

I shake my head, sure the library looked like a castle but it was still a fancy school after all

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I shake my head, sure the library looked like a castle but it was still a fancy school after all...

"Before world war 3, when America still had presidents instead of royalty, they had the castle used as a stronghold. After the war and America became a Monarchy, they made it into a school. A few years later, it becomes the most prestigious school in the world." She explains. "We will be focusing on the schools history this week due to the anniversary coming up. Remember, you may get a day off but that doesn't mean you can stop school all together."

"What's happens on Anniversary day?" I ask Renne.

"The school has a big festival and no school, they even have a singer come to perform later that night for a concert in the auditorium. It's a big thing, paparazzi and reporters come to see the action." She whispers.


The barn was my happy place, mainly because of Percy.

He was doing amazing during training. He could do all of the jumps that Mrs. Sophia gives us, and do almost all the moves for dressage.

I found myself watching. Vanessa on her horse across the arena. She was gracefully jumping jumps with her horse Majesty.

Zola walked up to me on her horse, "it's your turn Lauren."

Shaking the thoughts out of my head I turn Percy towards the corse. He was used to me now, not bucking or backing away. He was calm and seemed to like to be around me.

We cantered towards the first jump, perfect. The next: perfect. Third and fourth: perfect.

Then I look up, Camille was starring at me. Eyes emotionless.

We hit a pole on the last jump.


"You were fine" Renne says fixing her rope bracelets.

"I hit the jump because I get destructed, you saw Mrs. Sophia's face."

"She knows how good you are, you'll be fine." Raphael says.

"Yea" Will mumbles.

"You don't need to worry, there is still a month before she starts to even think about the Advanced team." Zola says.

The advanced team, the goal of every rider on campus. It was for the best and only the best. The deadline for choosing was November. It was the end of September now.

"If you're not chosen, it's because you tried to make sure you weren't on the team." Renne says. "Right Evie?"

Evie nods. Ever since the camping trip Renee had been hanging around Evie and Saliha a lot. Which means Will, Evie's best friend was around too.

"We should all go on a shopping trip Saturday, and you should invite Amoy" Renee says to me. I noticed how she didn't say Meilin, who had been hanging out with Camille and her friends since the camping trip.

"Yes!" Zola says. "You in Nyx?"

"Sure"He says. "Mind if I invite some friends?"

"How many?"Renee asks.

"Three" he says.

"Then yes" Zola says.


I know it wasn't a very eventful chapter but the next one will be!!!

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