Chapter 34

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The next few weeks were tiring, not just because of the 2-3 hour play practice a day. But Ms. Sophia was working us extra hard due to our schools advanced riding team choosing was a month away, but the schools annual fall carnival was this week.

Renee said that the schools fall carnival was amazing. With the barn dance and candy apples.

Seth of course was thrilled to hear about another social event.

Practice was... interesting to say the least. So far
we were just working on the first scene, until Ms. Rose said it was perfect.

One thing I definitely didn't expect was Nick actually trying. I don't mean to make it sound like he never tries which he does, but I mean he wasn't goofing off. He was really good. Amazing.

After practice one day I got a text.

From Unknown: How's practice for you?

Me: who is this?

From Unknown: Who do you think Dove?

*changing contact to annoying*

Me: how did you get my number?

Annoying: I have my ways.

Me: as in?

Annoying: a magician never reveals his secrets.

Me: 🙄

I closed my phone with a huff and walk to the library where Amoy waited so we could have our daily discussion. I wouldn't let Like get on my nerves and ruin my day.

After getting Seth to stay at least out of hearing distance I join Amoy who was working in her advanced chemistry homework.

Me and Amoy hit dead ends. There was nothing on a Troy Baker, and little on Princess Tory. The royal family mainly kept to themselves so only a few school records were what we could find.

Amoy lets out a sigh, "let's be done for today. The fall festival is later after all."

I shrug, "okay."


Saying it would be amazing was an understatement

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Saying it would be amazing was an understatement.

It reminded me of the fair back home, which I used to go with my friends to all the time during the summer. But this was fall themed.

A friend from back home, Abbie, was obsessed with Halloween and fall. Actually obsessed was an understatement...

Treats and foods were everywhere, there was so much I was sure three times the school couldn't eat it all

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Treats and foods were everywhere, there was so much I was sure three times the school couldn't eat it all.

Treats and foods were everywhere, there was so much I was sure three times the school couldn't eat it all

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In the barn was line and square dancing

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In the barn was line and square dancing.

Only 15 minutes at the me festival and we somehow lost Sahila and Claire who had run off somewhere. Seth, Lily, Will, Renee, Raphael, Evie, Nick, and me. Zola was hanging out with some of her senior friends.

Me, Renee, and Seth walked up to a dart stand later while everyone else was riding the rides.

"Bet you I could make it" Renee says. She gives a ticket to the guy in the stand. She throws the darts. Two out of five.

"Dang it" she says and turns to us. "Your turn."

I give a ticket. Three out of five.

"Seth?" Renee turns to him.

He sighs handing the man a ticket. Five out of five.

"Beginners luck" Renee says.

"Looks very lucky" I turn to see Ryan, Jacob, and Bonnie walk up. "Mind if I give a try?" I hadn't seen them as much since Nyx's death...

"Go ahead" it was Seth who says it.

Ryan gives the man a ticket and throws the darts. Four out of five.

He shrugs, "looks like I'm not as lucky today."

"It's not luck, it's aim" Seth says.

"Mmmmhmmmmm" Ryan says. "Then do it again." He smiled.

Seth gets five more darts. Hitting the bulls-eye every time.

"Guess that is skill" Ryan says. He turns back to us, "what are you all up to?"

So? What's the thoughts????

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