Chapter 12

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The next day we did our usual stop to the coffee shop and started class.

Our Hisory teacher seamed to like history too much... he always went into these rants that ended up lasting the entire period.

"I feel bad you have to take Mr. Thacher's class, there's a reason he's still single" Zola says as we walk to our shared third period history. "Just wait till his next breakup. People always make bets on the reason." I moan at the thought.

Sitting down I grab my pencil, ready to begin.

Someone clears there throat.

Looking up I see Luke, "that's my seat."

I frown, "how? It's only the second day and I sat here first."

"I always choose, and I want that one"Luke says.

"Seems like a you problem"I say.

He leans down to my face, "Move."


I turn back to my notes, only for him to knock them to the floor.

"Oops"he says smiling. "Going to get that?"

"You're so immature"I roll my eyes bending down to get them. The pencil is just out of my reach, and he grabs it before I can.

"How about a trade?" He says.

"Keep it, I have more."

"That's not how this works"

"Actually it is."

We sit there for a second before the teacher walks in and says, "Mr. Gonzaga, will you please sit? The class is started."

He puts on a fake smile, I can practically feel all of the girls faces melt. "Of course Ms. Pointer."

When the teacher turned to the board he leaned down to my ear and said, "you're dead" before walking to a seat.


"Art is not for the weak, not for the lazy. It is for those who want to connect to..." it was already day one in drawing one and I was zoning out.

The teacher was still in a rant when the door banged open and a voice says, "sorry I'm late!"

Turning I see a boy walk in. He had dark brown hair and tanned skin.

 He had dark brown hair and tanned skin

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"Had to find an empty sketch journal."he answers sitting beside me.

The art teacher sighs, "Yes... where was I? Ahhh!!! Art is a-"

"Word of advice, bring something to draw in during her class"the boy says leaning in. "It will take a few days to actually get started."

I nod, "thanks"


"Hey"I was sitting at lunch with Amoy when Nicklaus sits down at the table.

"Hi" Amoy looks confused for a second.

"Apple?" He holds it out to me.

"Thanks"I mumble as I take a bite.

He looks to Amoy, "Nicklaus, you can call me Nick."

"Amoy"she says.

"I know, you run the paper."

Amoy brightens up, "finally someone recognizes me."

Nick was about to say something when he looks past Amoy and says, "Lily!"

I turn to who it is shocked.

Lily, was short for Lilian. My maid.

"Hey Nick"Lily slowly walks up.

"sit"he pats the seat beside him.

"I...uhhh..." she looks at me and Amoy.

"Sit, we insist"I say.

Finally she gives in and sits down beside me.

Finally I look at their nameplates, hers was bronze meaning commoner, and his a silver, meaning rich.

"Amoy"Amoy reaches across the table with her hand. Lilian shakes it.

"This is Lauren"Nick introduces me.

"We've meet"Lilian- Lily says. Nick gives her a funny look and she says, "her dad paid for my scholarship."

"Oh... so you're Lauren. The one girl everyone's talking about." Nick says.

I nod, "that's me."

"Is it true you showed up Camille Archer during tryouts?" Nick asks.

Amoy turns to me, "Shut up! You didn't tell me!!!"

"I didn't know there was anything to say"I say.

"Camille's always been one of our schools top riders, for a newbie that's huge!" Lily says.

"So she's like... impatient?"I ask.

"Remember how on your first day, we explained there are two big groups in our school? She's in one of them."Amoy says.

I look over to the table where Camille sat.

"So these are a big deal?" I ask. They all nod.

We soon get up to dump our trays, and as I turn to walk out of the lunchroom someone spills their tray all over me. Looking up I see Luke.

"Oops, didn't see you" he smirks.

I was about to give a retort when someone screamed.

Just thought a fun meme would be fun:

Just thought a fun meme would be fun:

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