~Come Back (Home) To Me~

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Austin's POV:

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since Kali was kidnapped. And two weeks since I lost my mind.

I think I'm in the middle of having a psychotic break. I'm trying to hold myself together, for Kali.

But I'm slipping.

That's why I left. I had too. I had to find her on my own. It's my fault she was missing.

It was my fault she was alone with that son of a bitch. Everything that's happening to her right now is my fault.

But I'm gonna fix it.

I'm gonna fix this. And I'm gonna bring her back.

Then, after she's safe and better. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. I'm gonna cut him in half and feed his bottom half to him.


I glanced over at the door and glared. No one knew I was here. I paid with cash, I didn't have any of my belongings just a burner phone I picked up from an old friend along the way.

I grabbed my gun and walked over to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked as I held my gun by my side.

"Me dumbass. Open the fucking door bitch!" Henry?

I opened the door and low and behold there stood my brother.

"Shitty hotel? You that fuckin broke?" He grumbled as he pushed past me and plopped down on the couch.

I shut the door and locked it before I went back to my work.

I didn't have time to talk to my older brother.

"Not gonna ask how I found you?" I shook my head and he sighed.

"I'm sorry about Kali. If I would've gotten into that file sooner, she'd still be here. But I came to help you little brother. Not too be a pain in your ass," I glanced at him and rolled my eyes.

"Unless you can tell me where she is exactly, I don't need help." I said dryly.

"Don't make me stab you. I know your upset, but I'm gonna need you too put on your big boy pants and deal with it," Fucking prick.

"I'm trying to help you Ty. Stop acting like a little bitch, and let me help." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

Or at least attempted too.

"You need to cut that shit. But anyway, Me and Jess were doing some digging and found out that the little freak spent 5 months "off the grid". Which basically means he found some cabin in the woods and spent some alone time there," He said as he looked down at his phone.

"Where Jess now?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Shopping. Babies don't come out with clothes and shit. She's thinks he stayed in the country, maybe even state lines. Mostly because of the ties he has here. Family, friends, MONEY. All of it, he wouldn't just leave. But where would the little weasel go?" He mumbled as he tapped his finger in the back of his phone case.

That's the big question. The question that's stopping me from finding my girl.

Where the fuck would he go?

Kalani's POV:

"Are you ready honey?" I heard him ask from outside the door.

It's been almost three weeks. And I've completely lost my mind. Well, almost. I'm breaking, which is why I need to get the hell out of here.

I've been playing by his rules lately. More then I'd like to admit. He believes I'm completely and utterly in love with him.

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