~You Will Be Found~

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Jessica's POV:

I watched as Kali was pulled out of the mall by that guy. Something didn't feel right about this.

I know her from somewhere. I have SEEN her face before. I just can't remember where.

I looked down at the picture I look of her and chewed on my lip. Who are you Kali?

My phone screen went black and my fiancés name popped up. I sighed as I answered the phone.

"Yes baby daddy?"

"You done yet? Me and my brother need some help," I left the store empty handed.

That girl really had my brain a mess. I know her. I know I do. And those bruises. God they were bad.

He was abusing her. He had too be.


But who could she be? An old friend? An ex? FUCK THIS IS ACTUALLY PISSING ME OFF!


"Who's Kali? Do we know a Kali? I feel like we know a Kali. Do we?" I asked quickly.

"JESSICA FUCKING REDMOORE!" I guess we know Kali.

"Henry do not yell at me every again or I swear I'll-"


Kalani? Who's-



I knew she fucking looked familiar. She's my fiancés brothers girl.

SHE WAS KIDNAPPED. I fucking found her, and I didn't even fucking realize it.

"GRANDALE! SHES IN FUCKING GRANDALE!" I yelled as I quickly ran to the exit and looked around for her.

I couldn't see shit.

"Oh my god! You literall-"

"START BLAMING ME AND WATCH WHAT HAPPENS FUCKFACE!" I screamed into the phone as I quickly made my way around the parking lot.



I seen a car zoom my way and I quickly jumped out of the way. It happened in slow motion. But the guy from inside, the guy with Kali was driving.

He looked at me and he sped by. He had this satisfied look on his face.

I made sure to memorize the license plate  number on the car.

If I had my fucking gun I'd blow out a tire, but of course I DONT HAVE IT.


"JH27K78B!" I yelled as wobbled over to my car. I jumped in before I quickly started the car.

"SHIT!" I groaned as I slammed my foot down on the gas and sped out of the parking lot.

I could still see the car, but barely. I was losing him. Which meant I was losing her.

I couldn't do that. Not too Austin. I hadn't got to know him just yet, but he was my brother now.

He didn't have a damn choice.

"Owners name is Gale Nighburg. She's 67, lives alone. We can't find a fucking address!" I threw my phone down in the seat next to me so I could focus.

I had to catch up.

I was so close. So close to catching him. But of course there was an accident just in front of me that made me stop.

"FUCK! He's gone!" I said, frustration was CLEAR in my voice.

I was so damn close. That girl was broken. The way she hesitated to tell me her name. The shopping for baby clothes.

He's gonna hurt her.

And this time,

It's on me.

Kali's POV:

I regret it. I regret everything. I shouldn't have said anything. I shouldn't have tried to run. I should have just listened. I should've gave him what he wanted.

I wish I would've given him what he wanted.

When I heard the door slam open I jumped back closer to the wall.

I didn't look up at him. I couldn't. I was terrified. He'd already hurt me enough, why is he back?

I was in so much pain. I'm sure my arm is broken, the bruises on my legs have multiplied. I had a black eye, bruised cheeks, and a gash on my head.

I had been "rewarded" a mirror and an actual bed a few days ago. I still had to be chained up but it wasn't as bad as it was before.

That's all about to change though. I'll be back in that scary room soon. I know it.

"Don't hurt me anymore," I whispered as I pulled my legs up into my chest.

"I didn't hurt you honey. You did this! All I wanted was to take you out, and treat you like a princess. But you had to go and be stupid!" He said gripping my chin.

"PLEASE DONT HURT ME!" I cried as I pulled away from him.

"PLEASE JUST STOP!" I cried out. I just want it to end.

I want my friends back. I want too see my family.

I haven't spoken to my grandma in awhile. She probably doesn't even know I'm missing. I can't die.

She'll be all alone!

I can't do this.

"Oh honey! Don't cry, please. I hate when you cry!" He said as he gently grabbed me.

"No! Stay away from me!" I cried as I pulled away from him again.

"DON'T PULL AWAY FROM ME!" I flinched and moved farther away from him.

He'll hurt me.

"I'm sorry honey. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to yell, but when you act like this- I just get so upset! I'm sorry honey. I promise I'll never hit you again! All you have to do is listen to me. Ok? Do what I tell you and I won't ever hit you again, ok honey?" He won't hit me anymore?


"P-Promise you won't hit me again? Please!?" I asked as tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

He gently took my hand and pulled me onto his lap. He pushed my head down onto his shoulder and slowly rubbed my back.

"I'll never hit you again. As long as you promise to do as I ask, without any questions," He said kissing my forehead.

My body was on fire. All I felt was pain. Physically, emotionally, and mentally.

My brain was a mess. I don't think I could even tell you my full name. That's how bad it is.

"I love you Kalani!" He said gripping my chin. He didn't dig his fingers into my skin like he usually did.

He was gentle this time.

"I-I love you too" I whispered back. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

I kissed him back. I didn't have a choice anymore.

I was tired of suffering. All I did was fight.

I couldn't fight anymore.

He did it.

He finally did it.

He broke me.

HEY HEY HEY! how's everybody doing? Everybody ok?

If not, it's alright. We all have bad days!

              Kisses to my babes ~ Ava Wilson 😘

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