Part 29 Slap in the face

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"Daddy~" His voice carried an extra touch of happiness, as if he wasn't as afraid of Zhou Yuehan as usual.

Zhou Yuehan had never seen his younger son so joyful before. Compared to the eldest, the younger one had a more carefree personality, but it only surfaced when Zhou Yuehan wasn't around. Now, seeing him so happy, Zhou Yuehan wondered what he was trying to express.

Soon, Zhou Yuehan noticed the new backpack on his son's back. His dark eyes flickered as he squatted down to pat his son's head. "You got a new backpack? It looks great."

"Yeah yeah!" His son's eyes sparkled brightly as he vigorously nodded his head. His slightly thin face was filled with excitement. "She bought it for me!"

He glanced towards the kitchen, not daring to call Sinan "stepmother" or "mother." Then, he pulled Zhou Yuehan over to the table and said, "Brother's got one too. Look here!"

"There are clothes for little sister, and even dresses~~"

"And here, these are fruit candies, and there are also popping candies~~"

"This biscuit looks so delicious; I've seen our classmates eating it." He stared at the bag of biscuits. He hadn't tasted them himself, but he knew they must be very tasty.

Zhou Yuehan looked at the items on the table—candies, biscuits, backpacks, children's clothes, as well as milk powder and honey. They were all for the children.

Aunt Liu stood there, completely stunned.

Utterly incredulous!

Sinan actually bought backpacks and clothes for the children?

How could this be possible!

Was she crazy?

These things, just by looking at them, one could tell they were expensive. Well, this cunning woman must have known how much Zhou Yuehan values the children, so she bought so many things for them to please him!

I underestimated this woman; women from the city are indeed different.

Aunt Liu's face turned pale with envy and regret over the money. If Sinan didn't come, maybe this money would still be hers.

Sinan seemed to have heard the commotion and came out.

She had just finished stewing the ribs and steaming the rice when she heard the noise.

She didn't expect Zhou Yuehan to come back.

She carried a large bowl of savory ribs to the table and set it down.

Glancing at the envious Aunt Liu, she withdrew her gaze and said to Zhou Yuehan, "You're back. Wash your hands and have some food first; the meal isn't ready yet."

Zhou Yuehan looked at the steaming ribs emitting a tantalizing aroma. He couldn't help but feel hungry. He nodded and replied, "Alright."

Upon seeing Aunt Liu's colorful expression, Zhou Yuehan's gaze turned cold, and his voice lowered, "Aunt Liu, if there's nothing else, you can leave."

Aunt Liu's eyes widened when she saw the large bowl of ribs on the table. She thought since she was already here and had developed some familiarity, she might as well enjoy a meal before leaving. But she didn't expect Zhou Yuehan to turn around and drive her away.

Her face flushed red immediately. "Yuehan, what I said just now, please don't misunderstand. I didn't mean to sabotage your relationship. I only said those things out of concern for the children."

She continued with a pitiful look, "I've been busy these past few days and didn't have time to come over and cook. I felt bad making Miss Sinan cook for us while taking care of the children. I'm truly sorry. Rest assured, I'll come over tomorrow to cook for you."

Aunt Liu was not stupid. Despite her dislike for Sinan, she knew that going against such a clever woman would only bring trouble.

Sinan could see through Aunt Liu's cunning facade. She pondered how to get Zhou Yuehan to send Aunt Liu away. After all, their families had known each other for a long time, and she was worried that Zhou Yuehan might keep Aunt Liu around, which would be too intrusive.

Before Sinan could say anything, Zhou Yuehan calmly spoke up, "There's no need, Aunt Liu. As we agreed before, once I find a wife, I won't trouble you anymore. I've already paid you your salary for this month in advance, and there are only two days left. After that, you don't need to come anymore."

Zhou Yuehan wasn't foolish. He had been too busy with work to take care of the children himself, so he had no choice but to hire help. However, he made sure the children were well provided for in terms of food and money.

Despite this, the children were getting thinner and thinner.

Sinan listened quietly to Aunt Liu's words, her expression unreadable. She had noticed the children's improvement in health since she arrived, contrasting sharply with their previous condition. Sinan understood Zhou Yuehan's intentions in paying Aunt Liu generously, hoping she would take good care of the children. However, it seemed her hopes were in vain.

Aunt Liu's face changed drastically, her expression becoming flustered. It seemed her worst fear had come true. She quickly said, "Um, this, isn't it inappropriate, Yuehan? Miss Sinan has only been here for a short time, and you're already assigning all the chores to her alone. If I leave, she'll definitely be overwhelmed with work."

Sinan remained composed, but her gaze sharpened as she replied, "Aunt Liu, taking care of the children is the priority here. If you cannot fulfill your duties properly, it's better to leave. I'm sure we can manage the household chores ourselves."

Her tone was firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

Sinan's response was calm yet assertive, showing no intention of yielding. "Thank you for your concern, but I don't think I'll be overwhelmed. Besides taking care of the children and cooking, there doesn't seem to be much else for me to do around here. Aunt Liu is exaggerating."

In the countryside, just taking care of the children and cooking was already considered fortunate. Other families had to work in the fields with their children on their backs, then come home to feed the animals and prepare meals for the whole family. After everyone finished eating, they still had to clean up before they could rest. Sinan only had to cook and take care of a little girl.

Zhou Yuedong and Zhou Yuehan didn't require much attention, as they were capable of taking care of themselves and helping with chores. With just a dog to take care of, their life was already quite comfortable compared to others.

Aunt Liu's exaggerated complaints only irked her. When Aunt Liu tried to interject, Zhou Yuedong promptly intervened, signaling the end of the conversation. Aunt Liu, feeling desperate, began to plead for her job, offering to work for a reduced salary and promising to take better care of the children and help with household chores.

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now