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Director Nick Fury stood at the head of the conference room, his eye patch a stark contrast against the sterile white walls.

The Avengers sat around the oval table, their expressions a mix of curiosity and wariness. Meetings with Fury usually don't bring good news for them. 

"Listen up," Fury began, his gravelly voice cutting through the tension. "We've got a new recruit joining us. She's not your typical Avenger, but she's got skills."

Clint Barton, perched on the edge of his chair, raised an eyebrow. "Skills? What kind of skills are we talking about?"

Fury's lips twitched. "You'll see soon enough. Her name is Nora Reyes."

Natasha Romanoff leaned back, studying the empty chair at the far end of the table. "Nora Reyes? Never heard of her."

"Exactly," Fury said. "She's been off the grid, working in the shadows, she is with S.H.E.I.L.D for three years, and in just this mere time, she manages to prove her skills, prove that they are enough for her to join Avengers."

Just then, the door swung open, and the room fell silent. All eyes turned toward the entrance. There, framed by the harsh fluorescent light, stood Nora Reyes.

She was unlike anyone they'd ever seen. Her silver hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her eyes—frigid emerald—look like they held some dark secrets. Then again, who in Avengers don't?

"Hi everyone," Nora said, her voice a low, smoky timbre. "I'm Nora Reyes. Magic user and your newest headache."

Tony Stark leaned back, studying her. "Magic user, huh? So, what exactly can you do, hot stuff?"

She smirked. "More than your suit can, Tony. But for now, let's keep it under wraps. Fury's orders."

"On first name basis we are now, are we?"

"Just thought of returning your favor." 

Fury cleared his throat, a silent indication for them to stop their banter, Nora obeying his order back off, taking a seat on the nearby silver chair. 

The Avengers exchanged glances, curiosity burning in their eyes. Each member had faced their fair share of extraordinary circumstances, but Nora Reyes seemed to defy categorization. Magic user? Former enigma?

Steve Rogers leaned forward; his blue eyes steady. "Welcome, Nora. I'm Captain America."

Nora nodded. "Captain. I've read about your exploits. Impressive shield work."

Clint twirled an arrow between his fingers. "Hawkeye. And don't worry, we won't hold it against you if you've never heard of me."

Nora's lips quirked. "I've heard of you, Hawkeye. Sharpshooter extraordinaire."

Bruce Banner adjusted his glasses. "Dr. Banner. I specialize in gamma radiation research."

Nora's gaze lingered on him. "The Hulk, right? Impressive transformation."

Thor, towering and godlike, said although with a polite tone, "I am Thor Odinson, son of Odin! Welcome, Lady Nora."

Nora inclined her head. "Thank you, Thor. Lightning and Mjolnir. Got it."

Natasha Romanoff leaned forward, her red hair falling over her shoulder. "Black Widow. Espionage and combat. What's your game?"

Nora's eyes flickered. "Natasha, have heard a lot about you, a little bit too much if I might say, your reputation precedes you. How about I tell you my game after we reach the Avengers Tower."

Tony Stark leaned back with his trade-mark smirk, "Iron man, Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

Nora's hummed in response, making Tony raise his eyebrows at the lack of her response specifically toward his introduction. 

Nora's expression remained unreadable. "Director Fury. You're the one who pulled me into this circus."

Fury's eye narrowed. "Circus or not, you're here now. We need every ace up our sleeve."

The Avengers watched her, assessing, calculating. Although Fury is the one who was recruiting her, they have their doubts, on her abilities and her loyalty. 

"Welcome to the team," Steve said with a smile. 

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