Chapter 8: A new friendship and favor

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"Uhh let's see dresses with full sleeves," Nora said, her eyes racking the black elegant dress in Natasha's hand. It was a beautiful piece; with a sweetheart neckline and sleeve-less design it can make anyone pop in a crowd. 

But Nora knew it was not made for her, it was better for someone, who is beautiful, who could pull it off... someone who would be confident in it.  

"But it will look good on you," Natasha insisted.

"Please, let's just look at other ones," Nora muttered walking away to some different racks, that displayed full-sleeve dresses, she felt bad for not taking what Natasha insisted, she would have if not for the scars that marked her forearms. 

After spending some hours shopping and walking in the streets of New York eating some pleasantries, Nora, and Natasha found themselves back in the Avengers Tower, 

"You know it went better than I expected," Natasha said, making Nora raise an eyebrow.

"You are fun to be with," Natasha continued, "...I did not think I would be saying this, to someone who I was suspicious of,"

"Sooo, you are now not suspicious of me?" Nora asked.

"A little, yes, but now not much that it will concern me... I get answers of some of my questions you see."

Nora had no idea, when she slipped up or when Natasha used her interrogation skills on her but well, she should have expected it. 

"I would like to know more about you," Natasha said arising a smile from Nora,

"I will be glad," 

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Jarvis, please inform Tony that I will not come today," Nora informed the A.I., ruffling a towel through her damp hair to dry them. 

Clad in a fresh pair of clothes with a shrug, she planned to try to sleep today, who know she might get successful.

"It's alright Miss, Mr. Stark have himself asked me to tell you he will be out of the tower today," Jarvis's robotic voice said, making her blink her eyes in surprise.

Right, she almost forgot that it was Tony she was talking about, he might be attending some party or getting laid-off with a girl this night. 


Flopping down on her bed, she gets inside the sheets sighing, as the comforting presence of mattress take in its embrace, she only hoped that this embrace will not turn into a suffocating grip as the night progresses. 

Staring into the creme-ish ceiling, her thoughts wandered, this time not to her past-- but the events that happened today, she was quite grateful and happy that she was able to at least ease some of the suspicion of the red-head, and able to at least have her consider as an ally, for now. 

"So, you like Russian delicacies?" Natasha asked as she saw Nora savoring Solyanka.  

"Hmm, oh yeah, it is something that I used to ate for a long time," Nora said. 

"So, you are a Russian?" 

Nora's hands froze on that question, as she kept the spoon down. "Yes," she guessed, yes, the hellish base where her powers had awakened was in Russia. But was she truly Russian? or was she American? Australian? she didn't quite know that. 

The convo, that she had with Natasha lingered in her head, troubling her, she doesn't even know what her ethnicity is?

She rolled over the bed, now laying down on her stomach sighing, "Who am I even?" she murmured; her voice muffled by the pillow that was covered in white. The question echoed through her, a haunting refrain.

Did she ever have a home? A family? People who loved her? or had she been born in that sterile place, a creation rather than a child?

There were many questions in her mind that she would like to get an answer of, but unfortunately, the years before her teenage were like a dark void, an abyss in which no matter for how long she gazes, never gaze back at her, not even a glimpse. 

It was very unsettling since start, to know nothing about her, what was she? she sometimes wonders, she had powers that would put many people's mind on a whirlwind of emotions, literally, but what was the use of them if she could not use them to calm herself down ever?

Suddenly, the memory of Tony talking about how he hacked S.H.E.I.L.D. Database when they were called to retrieve tesseract from Loki, if his computers could hack into S.H.E.I.L.D. database, she was sure they can at least scan over the data from countries. 

Maybe she could find about her past, her abyss, maybe she will get to know what is unknown to her. 

She run a hand through her hair sitting up now, wondering if it will be the right thing to do? What if her life currently is better off, then getting know her past? What if she found about something darker than she had already did, she has her ledger already made of red... a redder shade would not be appreciated. 

Moreover, what gnaws at her inside, was the fear to find her family? what happened to them? was she an unwanted child who get abandoned? she does not think she would be able to accept that fact. 

At least for now, she can at least hope that she had a loving family, maybe she was kidnapped or something. 

She was afraid that if she will dig deeper, she might just lose herself, she was afraid her last hope of ever being loved in her past will broke. 

But was living in what she will call 'maybe-just-a-illusion' any better? 

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