Chapter 5: Midnight Bonds

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Nora's surprise at Tony's unexpected invitation to the lab was palpable. She blinked, momentarily taken aback. The man who usually flaunted his genius and arrogance now extended an olive branch—an invitation to share his domain. It was like witnessing a cat offer a mouse a seat at the table.

Hold on, why the hell am I comparing myself to a mouse?! 

"Join you in the lab?" Nora quirked an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "Is this some elaborate plot to test my sanity or perhaps an experiment to see how long it takes for me to flee in terror?"

The comment arose amusement from Tony, he leaned back, feigning innocence. "Oh, come on. I promise the lab won't bite. Well, not unless you accidentally activate the malfunctioning AI prototype. But that's a minor detail."

She sighed, the tension easing. "And here I thought you'd be too busy calculating the trajectory of your next quippy remark."

"Ah, but I've got a soft spot for insomniacs," he said, tapping his temple. "Keeps me company during late-night tinkering sessions?"

Truth to be said, he was surprised himself that he was inviting her, why? he thoughts. Maybe because she is hot? or maybe because he understands how she felt dealing with the nightmares and all. 

Nora's lips curved into a wry smile. "So, I'm your midnight muse? Should I expect a poetic ode to sleeplessness?"

"More like a limerick," Tony replied. "There once was a girl named Nora, who—"

"—who couldn't sleep, so she joined a billionaire's lab," Nora finished. "Sounds like the beginning of a twisted fairy tale."

He leaned closer, their banter dancing on the edge of camaraderie. "And they all lived sleepily ever after."

Nora shook her head. "You're incorrigible."

"Guilty as charged." Tony stood with his trademark smirk, offering her a hand. "Shall we, my insomniac accomplice?"

She hesitated for a moment, then took his hand, "Just promise me no exploding experiments or sentient robots."

She had nothing to lose by agreeing after all, if something it would provide her a way of distraction to say the least. 

"Deal," he said, leading her toward the lab. "But no guarantees," he completed. 

As they walked side by side, Nora realized that maybe—just maybe—Tony Stark wasn't entirely insufferable. Perhaps he was the unexpected ally she needed in her sleepless nights, a distraction from the ghosts that haunted her.

And so, with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, Nora stepped into the heart of invention, wondering if this odd partnership would lead to answers—or more delightful chaos.

And so, the night she once spent clawing at her memories start to turn into something more. At morning the training session and the moon time was filled with seeing Tony tinkering with his stuffs and a playful banter here and there.

She never thought she could achieve normalcy to this extent, but she was grateful for it. 

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The lab hummed with activity—glowing screens, whirring machinery, and Tony's frenetic energy. Nora stood by a workbench, eyeing a holographic blueprint. She'd expected chaos when she first entered here few days ago, but everything was pretty normal... well as normal as it can be with Tony. 

And then it happened.

A blinding flash of light erupted from one of the experimental devices. Nora's instincts kicked in; she ducked, her heart racing. The energy blast sailed over her head, singeing a lock of her hair.

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