Chapter 7: Shopping spree

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"Hey, Nat why don't you spar with Nora?" Clint's question caught Nora off guard, her hand froze mid-way, as she kept the water bottle back, her eyes shifting to Natasha. 

"Nice idea," Natasha said, making Nora mentally sigh, great going, she was thinking of ways to talk with her and now she had to spar with someone who was suspicious of her too, but oh well. "Come on, Nora, I hope you are not afraid,"

"You wish," she said, reminding herself to be cautious with her. She knows her skills are not to be taken lightly.

The air hummed with electricity as Nora stepped into the dimly lit training room. Her gaze locked onto Natasha —the woman who had once been a shadow.

Natasha's eyes bore into Nora, assessing her with the precision of a surgeon. Nora's confidence was unwavering. But Natasha was no ordinary opponent. She was a survivor of countless battles, her past forged with bloodshed. 

"Ready?" Natasha's voice was a blade unsheathed.

Nora nodded, her heartbeat echoing in her ears. She had studied Natasha's moves, and analyzed her patterns, as long as she could remember. But this was different—this was the real test.

The first strike came—a blur of motion. Nora deflected Natasha's punch, countering with a swift kick. Natasha danced away, her movements fluid and lethal. Nora pressed forward, her fists a blur. She aimed for Natasha's ribs, but the Black Widow twisted, evading with a grace that belied her lethal intent.

They circled each other, shadows merging. Nora feinted left, then lunged right, aiming for Natasha's throat. The Black Widow sidestepped, her boot grazing Nora's cheek. Pain flared, but it was nothing Nora was not used to. She spun, launching a spinning kick. Natasha blocked, but Nora followed up with a low sweep, aiming to unbalance her, that succeeded throwing Natasha off balance. 

Natasha's eyes narrowed. She countered, striking Nora's solar plexus. Nora staggered, but she wouldn't yield. Not to Natasha.

They grappled; limbs entwined. Nora's mind raced— to the memories of where she studied her tactics, more like being forced to analyze them.

Natasha's grip tightened, fingers digging into Nora's wrist. Nora twisted, using her momentum to break free. She swept Natasha's legs, sending her crashing to the mat.

For a moment, Nora stood over Natasha, victory within reach. But Natasha rolled, springing to her feet. She slipped free, reversing their positions. Nora's back hit the mat, Natasha straddling her. 

The Black Widow's gloved hand hovered inches from Nora's throat.

"Submit," Natasha whispered, her voice a blade against Nora's throat. But surrender wasn't in her fate. 

With a surge of determination, Nora twisted, reversing their positions. They grappled, neither relenting. The room spun; time suspended. Sweat dripped. 

And then, as if fate had intervened, they broke apart. Nora stumbled back, Natasha mirroring her exhaustion. They stood there, breathing hard, when Clint entwined, "Maybe you both should stop now, before blood start flowing here," 

"A tie," Natasha said, wiping her mouth. "Impressive."

Nora nodded, her respect for Natasha deepening. "You fight like hell,"

─── · 。゚

It was eleven in the morning; the morning training was done and so was the breakfast. The tension from the previous night still hung in the air like a storm cloud, and Natasha knew she had to address it. She wasn't accustomed to apologies—especially not awkward ones—but this was different. 

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